#writephoto: No going back

This is a sketch from my next WIP. For Sue Vincent’s #writephoto challenge.

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They scrambled to the top of the hill, and stopped, chests heaving, trying to get their breath back. The tree cover was sparse, rowan and birch and spindly oak trees, and overhead the sky lay, dark and heavy. Jon felt the weight of the dark sky and the pressure of the dark earth, the forest that was black and grey but never green, and the wind that sang in a colourless voice through the bracken.

He gazed out over the treetops to where the place lay where they would be safe. Safe from what, he wasn’t sure, but they had four legs, sometimes two, faces with narrow eyes, but sometimes the grimacing muzzles of dogs that had never been.

Halli recovered from the climb first and was was about to plunge down the hill and back into the forest when something made Jon grab her arm. β€œWait,” he whispered. The silence thickened; he couldn’t breath.

Halli looked about in alarm then gasped, β€œThe sky. It’s broken.”

Overhead the grey was as compact as ever, darkening to slate at the far horizon, slate the treetops that moved sluggishly in the wind, but away over the forest, the cloud and mist was torn and through the rent, a golden cascade of sunlight fell in pillars of brilliance.

β€œWhat is it?” Halli murmured, her eyes open wide as pools. β€œWhat’s happening? Is it the end of the world?”

β€œIt’s the sun,” Jon said, and for the first time since he had burst out of the dark tree tunnel, he smiled.

Published by

Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

28 thoughts on “#writephoto: No going back”

      1. It’s a bit dispiriting that the only two we saw this morning were boys of about 18 and 16. I had hoped the younger generation would have got over blood sports, but they still love it.

  1. That is beautiful Jane. I loved the 2nd paragraph, just the poetry of it, but I can’t put my finger on the disquieting words ” … had never been.” Where they nightmares, his imagination? Or is it simply a mechanism for creating anxiety. Whatever it is it works πŸ˜‰

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