June 3, 2014 face paint



‘Happy are the people whose strength is in You, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.’ (Psalms 84:5 HCSB)

Pilgrimage. Long journey.
Hearts set on long journey.
Dearheart, here’s the deal: a farmer becomes a farmer when he looks out across the land and plans for crops. A runner becomes a runner when he takes his first jog. A tree is a real tree when it is still a little seed inside a pine cone.
You are meant to be a direct force, strong, effective. But, that part in you must be trained. All the myriad of slitty-eyed, evil forces clogs the thinking, locks your joints, crusts over fresh ideas, jams the pen and the brush. We rev up, only to be distract by “oh, well, maybe, tomorrow”. How many notes never get written, walls stand half-painted, scarves hide half-crocheted, all because the factory spews it’s poison and becomes habit.
Oh SweetOne, this is your day. It is an entirely personal, interior process with your Creator. You must be willing to engage your wildness to break away the chains – even though it might feel stone-stupid, like you’re sitting on top of a longhorn steer with emeralds spewing out of your mouth.
Fail if you must, it is ok.
But, nudge your way back onto your journey. Be intentional. Allow yourself to feel the pain of being transformed. Without pain, there is no progress. Let you fear jump out and bite you hard. It will pass. Paint your face.
Show your teeth.
Meet it head on.
Feel it.
Get it over with.
God Most High is your expert guide.
He wins.

Follow me on Twitter @lewis3sunz

About lewis3sunz

I am a blessed woman. Wife, daughter, mother of 3sunz, sister, author of 'Spirit Move Me: Memos to you that sway with the Holy Spirit', Jesus loving Oklahoma girl, I love exploring truth, early morning is my favorite time of day, teacher/trainer, lover of books and news and fascinated with butterflies, extreme right brained pondering creature; enjoy helping others find meaning, tap into their own inspiration and intuition to work more effectively, and overcome struggles and the rising and falling of life in the everyday grind and in small business/micro business worlds. Blessed with the crazy notion, the wild-eyed foolishness, and the madcap belief in the simple idea that I might help one to make a decision that makes a difference in the world . . . as stated by Ralph Waldo Emerson’s famous quote…“To know one life breathed easier because you lived, this is to have succeeded.” I get to use my small business background as a former owner of a Flower Shop and Hallmark Store and former co-owner of Disability Specialists, LLC, to help folks build dreams. I hold a M.Ed with emphasis on Adult Training and Education. I’d love to get my Doctorate in Educational Leadership . . . someday. My work centers on the belief that inside each of us lives a mesmerizing soul waiting to be revealed. Every day we can choose to trust the magic of our calling and take those unconventional moves to unlock an enchanted journey. I serve as Business and Industry Director and Business Development Services Coordinator at Canadian Valley Technology Center in Chickasha, Oklahoma.

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