Anything For Them

I know I haven’t shared about the puppers much lately on the blog, and I feel awful that the first one back is with glum news.


We have been noticing that Crosby has been limping a lot lately. We thought that he was just laying on it wrong and his back leg had fell asleep. It got to a point though that he was not walking in on his own from outside, so we knew it was time to call the vet.

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On the plus side, the vet thinks it is just a pinched nerve that he will have to work through. We are having x-rays done to confirm.

However, it was a good think that leg brought us in because our vet found a tumor on his groin.

We normally take our dogs in towards the end of October/early November for their yearly check up and to update their heart-worm, so we are sure it would have been found then.

However this is something that the sooner you take care of it the better off you are.

Furthermore, boxers are prone to tumors, so there could be others that we just can’t see.

I didn’t think it would happen so soon.

We aren’t completely sure on Crosby’s age since he was found as a stray. We think he is around 5 years old, which in my head seems all too soon to be worried about health concerns.

But here we are.


Today he is having surgery to have the tumor removed and see how serious this thing could be.

Last night, Tom and I had to have a discussion about worst case scenario.

I would love to be more prolific, but my heart is just heavy right now.

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Our dogs are like our flesh and blood, which may seem weird to some. We would do anything for them.

We would spend all the money we have fixing them. We allow them to take over our beds. We allow their dog hair to be on everything. We bought them a huge dog park of a yard.

They have changed our hearts, so we would do anything for them.

They have provided so much emotional support and laughter throughout our time together. I have loved watching them be siblings to each other and to George.


Hopefully we can get you back to your toy destroying ways here super fast Crobber Dobber.


13 thoughts on “Anything For Them

  1. I can’t imagine! I will be praying for fast healing for Crosby and that no other tumors are found. Jenny is my baby and there is nothing we wouldn’t do for her, so I completely get it!

I would love to hear your thoughts!