Posts I loved this week

There were so many awesome posts, I actually considered splitting this post into two parts! Like spring’s flowers, these writers are just full of inspiration and great ideas. Personally, I really enjoyed reading them.

Loved this post by Part Time Monster simply because the very first sentence caught me and refused to let go. If it was a book, I’d have to buy it. Loved it that much. Absolutely delicious….And now I want a book to read.

Loved this post by Amos M. Carpenter. It reminded me why I started writing in the first place. Guilt-free writing. Delicious.

Here’s another along the same idea: be true to yourself. Jeff Goins wrote a powerful post on that and still managed to make it easy to read. Loved it.

Motivation to write. I’m always looking for good tips. Here‘s a great post from Think Ink.

Great tips for Twitter. I had no idea the meaning of followers and how many I followed. Suddenly, the numbers have meaning. I owe that to this great post and this one by Sourcerer. Psss, there might be a new series of posts on Twitter coming to Sourcerer soon…Keep reading.

A great cover reveal by Mishka Jenkins in this post along with an excerpt. That’s one awesome cover, Mishka!

Warning…this next post is a little…on the hot side! How to use the five senses to create sexual tension. Read at your own risk. 🙂

Okay, hilarious once again, this post by Outmanned made me laugh out loud. Don’t miss it.

Book recommendations! If you’re looking for summer reading books, here’s a post full of them, and by category no less. A big thank you to Sourcerer for that great post!

I shouldn’t add this post because this blog is a reading/writing/book blog and dogs aren’t a part of that…but I can’t resist. This post is full of dog blogs! Full of them. There’s a list! I just loved that. Doggies…everywhere. 😀

This one is a reflective post on the A to Z challenge. I love reflective posts. What did they learn? What do they regret? What won’t they do again? I particularly liked this post because Gene’O has answered exactly those questions and said what he’s learned and what he’ll avoid in point form. Personal and easy to read. What a great post!

If you’re considering starting your own blog, here‘s a great post on reasons for and against it. A big thank you to Shanan at the Write Conversation for the great post!

23 thoughts on “Posts I loved this week

  1. I’m just noticing the progress bars. Haven’t started editing OC yet? HA! And related to this post, I love RU’s stuff. Always useful.

      • Wasn’t trying to tease really. Editing always has me feeling like I’m drowning.

      • Oh gosh, it is so much harder than getting through the first draft! And doing a blurb, synopsis, and 3 sentence pitch is not easy either. You need help on anything, feel free to poke me. I leaned heavily on a writer friend who helped me get through my short story. I was utterly sick of reading it and almost shut down. Now, I’m reading it again *sigh* making sure it is as good as it gets.

      • It’s painful, isn’t it? I’m not kidding but I’m certain I edited OC about a thousand times for well over 2 years. But there are some things I just couldn’t see. Now that Emery points them out, I see them. And it’s gutting. Was I blind? What the bananas? Where do all these issues come from?

      • If OC didn’t go through GOOD betas or crits from others, then it is very typical. You can’t see everything, even the obvious stuff. The writer is ALWAYS too close to the work. Always. It isn’t you. It is everyone, including Emery. I’ve beta read for him.

        I got flustered and couldn’t think HOW to fix something once it was pointed out. If that happens lean on us with FB, Emery, me or someone. Don’t let it drag you down.

      • Thanks so much, Winter! That’s really helpful. I had a hunch it was something like that but I couldn’t be certain. I just have to find the time and to sit and do it. My day job is getting in the way because of the time of year and I can’t squeeze in the hours of writing I’d like and then we’re thinking of moving so there’s that other time-eating activity of looking at homes (we’re looking at another today). Sigh.
        Still, thank you because that’s so helpful and you’re so kind to lend a hand like that. I will sit and put some time into it–that was why I added the progress bars. To help move me along. 🙂

      • Take it one scene at a time. Editing happens for me in layers or rounds. I can’t get it all in one swoop. Little chunks at a time. It takes longer to edit than to write. Editing 1k is about the same as writing 2k.

        Do the “line” edits or spelling/grammar last. Fix any plot/character/description stuff he may have mentioned first. Or you’ll have to do two rounds of spelling/grammar checks which is a pain.

      • Oh and I’m using the unfollow tool that he mentions in the twitter post. Makes managing my twitter a little easier.

      • My Twitter is hopeless. I have no idea what I’m doing or how to follow or unfollow…and really, I have to focus on writing and let that go. I’ll do it one day…

  2. Thank you for the mention and compliment! 😀 It really made my day!

    Great set of posts again, always look forward to your posts on these. You manage to find a whole bunch of informative posts I sometimes miss!

  3. Pingback: Efficient Blogging: The Power of Features | Sourcerer

  4. Another set of great selections. I love The Think Ink post. Outlining is very important to my process, and I have to constantly remind myself to eat/drink water/sleep. Especially when my writing is going well.

    • I’m so glad you enjoyed them! I can see how it’s hard to do mundane things when the muse is whispering in your ear. I hate interruptions at those times more than anything else.
      Thank you for the lovely compliment!

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