ANLA, Management Clinic 2007, William McDonough

wci-chop-2.jpgThere were several thoughtful, powerful, knowledgeable speakers at least weeks Clinic, and I’m going to go through several of them over the next couple of days. So I thouht I would start with Mr. McDonough who most consider the guy on the topic of urban sustainability.

I am going to do something different than the usually play-by-play of his talk.I would rather let the mans own words do his review. I gotta say the man was composed, thoughtful, and serious . . . very serious. In his own words:

“Design is the 1st signal of human intention”.

“Throw stuff away, away is away, where is away”?

“Why should Urbanization destroy nature”.

“We will solve the energy problem”.

“It took us 5,000 years to put wheels on luggage . . . we are not that smart”.

Sustainability is a powerful issue, these are serious times. he’s right there in it leading the charge. Here’s a look at a few more site for some info.

Some great info on his continuing work in China, His Wikipedia page-more links. C2C is the Cradle to Cradle concept of using products that do not go to the dump/wasteland. If you have any interest at all into where the sustainability field is going, this is the guy to follow.

The ANLA made the correct choice concerning the Keynote speaker.

By Rick Anderson

The Whispering Crane Institute was originally formed to act as the umbrella organization for the Philosophy of Design Symposium, and other seminars and workshops given by Rick Anderson and Richard L. Dube’. In the year 2000 WCI became a sole proprietorship owned by Rick Anderson. Today the WCI provides design and consultation services for Landscape Contractors, acts as a Green Industry think tank, and provides training for others in the form of workshops, seminars, and individual consulting. The WCI also provides written material, opinions, case-studies and how-to articles for industry trade magazines.

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