Promoting #H50 Season 3

Can´t wait to get my hands on this!


Filed under Alex O´Loughlin, Buddies, Steve McGarrett

7 responses to “Promoting #H50 Season 3

  1. Mary Jane

    Our lush boys, can’t wait. Thanks.


  2. rita

    So love Alex and that Aussie accent. Can’t wait for s3


  3. Those buttons on Scotty’s shirt — not long for this world.


  4. Oohh, nice teaser for S3. Alex is looking so much healthier. His accent is a mixture of Aussie and American but still like the Aussie traces. Can’t wait 🙂


  5. imfriggingud

    Got to agree with Rita, so love him and that Aussie accent with the American twang mmmmmm!! all i can say is yes roll on s3 not worried about all the spoilers that will appear makes the wait even more powerful just want to know what MaryAnn thinks of mom being found


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