The Monday agenda 4/22/2013

MondayAgendaNot a lofty, ambitious to-be-read list consisting of 100+ book titles. Just a simple plan for the upcoming week — what I’m reading now, what I plan to read next, and what I’m hoping to squeeze in among the nooks and crannies.

How did I do with last week’s agenda?

The River of No Return by Bee Ridgway: Done! My review is here. Short version: Amazing! Don’t miss it — the book is being released this week.

Attachments by Rainbow Rowell: Just started. I’ve read about 50 pages, and it’s a hoot so far.

From last week’s agenda: The Love Song of Jonny Valentine by Teddy Wayne. Finished reading during the previous week, but didn’t get the review up until a few days ago.

Fresh Catch:

NO NEW BOOKS! That’s right — a very big accomplishment for me. During this past week, I neither bought any new books nor borrowed any books from the library.

However… I did get a few review copies of books via NetGalley (thank you, NetGalley!). Here are some pretty pictures of the newest titles now waiting for me on my Kindle:

I’m really excited to read all of these, and can’t wait to dig in!

What’s on my reading agenda for the coming week?

Once I finish Attachments, I plan to read A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, and then dive into one of the lovely books pictured above.

My son and I have started reading The Magician’s Nephew by C. S. Lewis, although we haven’t gotten past the first chapter yet. I’m a Narnia novice — we’ll see how it goes for both of us. This is also a test to see whether my 10-year-old still has the patience for having his mom read to him. Fingers crossed!


So many book, so little time…

That’s my agenda. What’s yours? Add your comments to share your bookish agenda for the week.

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