20-11-1867: The fire in Curzon Street, North Melbourne.

The Argus, Melbourne, Wednesday 20th November 1867, page 5.

“Dr. Youl held an inquiry yesterday into the origin of a fire which burned down the premises No. 30 Curzon-street, Hotham, on 16th inst. The premises had been occupied by a Mrs. Violet Daniels who retired to bed on the evening of the 16th inst., having previously extinguished the fire and removed the matches. About twelve o’clock a constable discovered the fire and alarmed the inmates and all subsequent efforts to extinguish the fire proved unsuccessful. The flames afterwards spread to the adjoining premises and consumed a fowl-house valued at 5, and also damaged the premises of Mr. J. Urie, glass-stainer, to the extent of £20. About eleven o’clock on the night of the fire, a lodger in the house of Mrs. Daniels took a candle into an unoccupied room, for thee purpose of obtaining a drink of milk, but brought the candle back to his room. At that time there was no sign of fire. Urie’s premises were insured for £1,250, and Daniels’ for £200, and the furniture for £100. The loss beyond the insurance money was estimated by Mrs. Daniels at £100. A verdict of “Accidental Fire” was recorded”.

Curzon Street Fire 16 Nov 1867

James Urie’s cottage was at No.28 Little Curzon Street and James Ferguson’s at No 24 Little Curzon street which were only a short distance to the rear of the companies stained glass workshops opposite the Union Memorial Church. 

As at 2012 the original workshop building (basically only the shell and facade under redevelopment) still exists opposite the Union Memorial Presbyterian Church but is now numbered 42 Curzon street.  Prior to its residential transformation it was used as the North Melbourne Masonic Lodge. As at 2013 the front section of the original workshops has been completed as a private residence with further work to be completed to the rear section.

James Ferguson & James Urie offered up their Little Curzon Street cottages for auction in November 1886 as both partners had by this time built their new two storey mansions in Parkville and Flemington.

James Ferguson had his mansionAyr Cottagebuilt in Leonard Street Parkville and James Urie had builtGlencairn‘ in wellington Street in Flemington.

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