straight no chaser

by rantywoman

Was I so late joining the game that I needed to go straight to babies and worry about finding a good marriage later? Or should I be looking for the “good enough” guy now?

Over the next couple of years, I went on a seemingly endless number of dates. I had lots of mini-relationships. In some, I became wildly infatuated and got dumped. In others, I plodded along with nice guys I could barely stand to kiss. Maybe one of those Match men would have turned out to be a wonderful husband, and I would now be settled in the suburbs enjoying the comfort of mom clogs and Saturday mornings with Claire at Costco. But I never fell in love with any of them. I knew without a doubt that I wanted to be a mother someday, but I didn’t want it badly enough to overlook my heart.

–Sarah Elizabeth Richards, Motherhood, Rescheduled, p. 17