The Quartzsite Experience

The “Quartzsite experience” had never been on our must do list, but after several recommendations and urgings from friends we decide it’s a go.  Besides we didn’t have any other immediate plans in mind.  Initially we thought, “Okay, after 5 days we’ll leave.  That’ll probably be plenty of time to witness this unique place.”  RV

The first couple of days were fine.  The weather was sunny and in the 60’s.  There were about fifteen RV’s already set up with our group – Escapees RV Club, the Boomers.  Al and I pick a spot somewhat removed.  We like a little space, but am told we won’t be alone for long as more and more RVs arrive.  Travel

We decide what Boomer activities we care to participate in, if any.  We drive around town locating stores, restaurants, and laundromats.  In less than thirty minutes we get acclimated to this small desert town.  We locate the Big Tent for the big sale.  We peruse the numerous vendors already set up prior to the official start of the

TravelMid-week the cold rolls in.  Daytime temps barely hit 50 and night time lows are freezing…..burrrrrr!  Add in a little wind for drama and fun is not in the equation.  Al and I get on the internet in search of better weather.  Gosh even Mexico is freezing and by the time we could get to Florida the cold will have moved on.  So we hunker down and wait for several days before fair weather is once again upon us……ahhhh.

Over the next couple of weeks, Al and I attend numerous Boomer events; morning walk, wine tasting, pancake breakfast, happy hours.  We gather with others for a game night here and there.  We caravan with a group to a unique bar located out in the boonies of the desert.  AND we search out some alone time.  Yes, there is such a thing as social burnout, but it’s been a fabulous experience.  One we hope to repeat.

travel We had the pleasure of meeting folks from around the country.  New friend, Edie and I both enjoy photography.  We meet up one morning and traipse through the desert in search of photo ops.  We spend over two hours wandering around the desert talking and taking pictures.  So engrossed in snapping and chatting, I was thankful the vista was vast and the white RV’s remained in site or no doubt we would have easily gotten lost.  This was a fun way to spend a

adventureIt was these encounters, the forging of old and new friendships that MADE our Quartzsite experience.  The RVing community is just that…..a community.  We share a common bond, the bond of adventure.  You have to have a sense of adventure to really embrace and enjoy this lifestyle.  There are those that need full hook-ups making living as close to a sticks n brick home as possible and there are those that choose to dry-camp/boondock almost exclusively making for a remote camp like experience.

Al and I like both and usually split our time between the two experiences.  When we leave the Quartzsite desert Friday, we’ll head back to a Regional Park just north of Phoenix.  We’ll enjoy the conveniences of hook-ups and a bathhouse with lots and lots of hot water.  Even Bear will relish a long hot shower with lots of doggy shampoo.  Till then, we’ll relish friendships and amazing and vast scenery.

Next I’ll post about the eclectic mix of the town of Quartzsite itself.

Boomerville……our desert RV community!

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34 thoughts on “The Quartzsite Experience

    1. Are you still in San Diego? Q is an experience and certainly not for everyone. I’m looking forward to getting back to the Phx area…..and regular showers – lol. See ya soon!


  1. How great that you can find a sense of community when you are on the road like that. It’s always fun to meet new people who share your interests, and then it’s nice to mix that in with a little alone time. Last weekend I traveled to LA and visited some friends who are living in their RV for a few months right on the beach in Huntington Beach. It was a beautiful setting.


    1. When son and I visited LA we noticed plenty of RV Parks… interest was definitely piqued. Yes, it has been a fun time but returning to reality will quickly be upon us.


  2. That’s where my in-laws are right now. How funny. Glad for your pictures so I can picture where they are. They told us only that LOTS of RVs are parked in the desert. And it looks like they didn’t lie.


    1. Last week the crowds and traffic were crazy…..felt like the strip on a Friday night!!! Lots and lots of RVer’s. It started clearing out Sunday and today was calm, except at the laundromat. That’s a story in itself. Hope they had a good time!


      1. Yeah, I think they’re still there for another week or so. Who knows. They’re on their way to somewhere. I can’t keep track of them.


  3. Thanks for the tour of Quartzite! I went in 2000 as an artist looking for the wood, stone and bone I use in my work. Found treasures galore at the shows, in the back lots surrounding the “main events” I found goods that were even a bit shocking…
    All in all I had a great time, camping out on the BLM sites in the boonies, taking side trips out into the Mojave to the west. Good to know Quarzite is still a happening!


    1. Oh yeah, the shocking still exists in QZ. One could spend weeks exploring all the sales and stands everywhere and still not see it all. I think there’s a little something for everyone. Thanks for following 🙂


  4. Great pictures of the desert. Amazing how your initial 5 day stay became half a month later. You had the right attitude hence you are having so so much fun there and quite a social butterfly too!
    We are now in Tombstone.


    1. You wouldn’t believe how this place has emptied out. We’ll relax and enjoy the sun for a few more days before heading back to CC, especially since we don’t have to share this parcel of land with too many other Rigs 🙂


    1. It’s an experience and certainly not for everyone. We thought we’d try it once and definitely did not expect to have so much fun. We’d even come back!


    1. He is the local book store owner who is a classically trained pianist from the northeast who just happens to prefer the freedom of no clothes. Ya see it all in QZ!


        1. But of course he does. That’s exactly where Cheryl photographed him. In a couple photos he’s helping customers. It’s his business and if you don’t like it then don’t shop at the only bookstore in town…lol. He’s Paul, the naked bookseller. So Flavia hasn’t told you much about QZ?


            1. I went to the bookstore today…..all I can say is “SUNSCREEN”. Could NOT bring myself to take photos of the owner. Although he was wearing a jacket of sorts. Yep, that was all…..oh, socks with sandels… icon!!!

              Also could not find the correct turn to the cafe so will try tomorrow with hubby in tow.


  5. You and Al are waaay more social then old farts Dennis and Donna (us 🙂 We don’t partake in too much social activity that involves more than one or two other couples, if that. But that’s just how WE roll. Never been to Quartzsite…the very thought scares me, although being a nosey girl, I would like to just SEE it briefly. Actually, Ingrid, your tour will do me just right…!!!


    1. I’ll continue to write a few more posts on QZ just so you won’t need to experience it for yourselves….lol. Sometimes we enjoy the social aspect and other times we enjoy the solitude that boondocking provides. Definitely not a fan of the big RV Parks and their social activities…..maybe when I’m 80 🙂


  6. Oh I forgot… see I’m too envious… your photos of the area are brilliant… would love to be able to photograph the scenery like that


    1. Awww, thank you. Yes the freedom to roll here and there on a whim with home in tow is wonderfully liberating. No reservations needed. I feel very fortunate to be able to do this and the folks we meet along the way are fabulous. I’ll try to make the ride fun so stay tuned!


  7. Now this really does sound like what I want to be able to do one day… hook up and go.. travel till you want stop and only continue when you feel the need… I am so envious of this type life style .. absolutely wonderful….


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