Call for One Day Fast in support of Kudankulam Struggle on March 23

Dear All,

We have received a number of endorsements for the proposal to organise a ONE DAY TOKEN FAST on MARCH 23, which also happens to be the Martyrdom Day of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru. Medha Patkar and her colleagues at a meeting in Delhi have endorsed this proposal, Arati Chokshy and several activists from Bangalore have also agreed to organise a fast, Sundaram of CNDP is in Kerala and will try to organise, he also informed that many small Tamil parties are organising a protest in Tirunelveli on that day, in which a few MLAs and MPs are expected to join. So it is a good beginning…

This is therefore to call on you to

ORGANISE A DAY-LONG FAST on March 23, Friday, Martyrdom Day of Shahid Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru

in support of the HEROIC STRUGGLE OF THE PEOPLE OF SOUTH TAMIL NADU against the Kudankulam NPP.

I am pasting below the final letter to the Tamil Nadu CM that has been endorsed by so many activists from all over the country. You may use it as you wish, extract from it, or send it to the media in your city, or use it for a pamphlet, etc.

To: The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu

To: The Media

Dear Ms. Chief Minister:

It is with profound sadness and anxiety that we read your press statement and witnessed the large scale mobilisation of police in the areas around the Idinthakarai protest site and the Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant. The decision to give the go-ahead to the power plant is ill-informed and has created a dangerously volatile situation. We, the below-signed, condemn the deployment of thousands of armed policemen in an area where people have been peacefully protesting for six months. Knowing the resolve of the agitating communities, the Government’s hard-line stance and police posturing can only lead to a nuclear Nandigram.

signed by 164 activists from all over the country .



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  1. Trackback: National media prevented from covering anti-nuclear protest in Tamil Nadu « kracktivist
  2. Trackback: Kabhi Haan ,Kabhi Na – Left Parties stand on Nuclear issues « kracktivist

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