#India- Odisha rapists tie man to tree, assault wife in front of him #Vaw #WTFnews

Frstpost, Jan 21, 2012
Baripada (Odisha):
 In yet another case of barbaric sexual assult, six men allegedly gangraped a woman after tying up her husband in the premises of the district hospital in Mayurbhanj district.

The 25-year-old tribal woman of Dantiamuha villagehad gone to the hospital yesterday along with her husband to see her ailing brother, admitted to the hospital following an accident, police said today.

Protests over the Delhi rape. Agencies.

In the evening, six men started teasing her. As her husband protested, he was overpowered by the accused who tied him to a tree and gangraped the woman in front of her husband, sources said.

After the victim lodged an FIR, the police arrested all the six accused and sent them for medical examination. The arrested persons are identified as Kundan Mukhi (33) of Baripada Town and Raghu Biswal (19), Gopi Mukhi (19), Balaram Mukhi (27), Sibaram Ghadei (20) Chandan Mukhi (20) of Sungadia in Baripada.

Protesting against the incident, the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha staged a demonstration at the district collectorate and demanded Rs 50 lakh compensation to the victim and trial of the case in first track court on daily basis.




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