IMMEDIATE RELEASE-6TH DAY slumdwellers Fast ,No Response from the Govt, Media Blacksout





January 5, Mumbai : Ghar Bachao Ghar Banao Andolan agitation entered its 6th day today with 30 representatives from various slums of Mumbai, who had been fasting for the last 24 hours, broke their fast and the next 30 representatives began their fast. People who observed fast, with only water to drink, spoke passionately about the need to struggle against injustices happening to them in their bastis and middle class localities .  Shri Ajay Palande, from  Jogeshwari Indira Nagar, while breaking his fast, shouted the slogan “ Bhooke pyaase Ladenge, Andolan Chalayenge”. “We are trapped in the cruel web of SRA- Builders- duplicate notices- lack of basic amenities- fake allotments and have been fighting for the last 12 years. Now we wont go anywhere, they( the Government) have to come to hear us”, said Smt. Kanta Behen from Chandiwali. Today Shri Rashi Azmi from All India Milli Council,  Smt. Anita Vyas from Ambujwadi, Smt. Sabrunnisa Saha from Adarsh Nagar, Shri. Lakhan Mandal from Mandala, Smt. Gauri from Malwani 8. no., Moh. Shamim Ansari, and 24 others from different slums and middle class localities are fasting for their land rights and right to dignified housing.

 While there has been no response from the Government today also, people are determined to continue their agitation. Letters of appeal to the Government and the Centre are being drafted by the people and the supporters to take immediate decisions and interventions on the demands of the Andolan.Support from various organisations, senior activists and students is coming from all over the country which has intensified the energy and increased the enthusiasm of Andolankaris here at Azad MaidanSmt. Surekha Dalvi, Smt. Indavi Tulpade, Shri. Rambhau Wadu from Adivasi Sangathan and Shoshit Jan Andolan, Shri Byaneshwar Shedge and Shri Gyanoba Bhikule from Mosekhore Bachao Jan Andolan (fighting Lavasa)and many others came to show their solidarity with and strengthen the Andolan


Medha Patkar, Jamil bhai, Mohan Chavan, Madhuri Shivkar, Madhuri Variyath, Sumit Wajale, Santosh Thorat, Sandeep Yevale, Kishor Kardak, Girija Bahen, Prabhakar Narkar, Shilpa Sabale, Kamlesh S S, Siraj, Umar bhai, Shabbir Deshmukh

Organised by : Ghar Bachao Ghar Banao Andolan, Janta Jagruti Manch, Shahar Vikas Manch, Ramabai Ambedkar Nagar Bachao Samiti, Nagari Niwara Haq Samiti, Waghini Sangathan, SRA Sangharsh Samiti, Bruhanmumbai Niwara Samanvaya Samiti

Affiliates of National Alliance of Peoples’ Movements

Contact: Madhuri Shivkar 09892143242 | Madhuri Wariyath 09820619174 | Sumit Wajale 09967875999 | Sandeep Yevale 09819307419


Previous Press Releases on this campaign :

Ghar Bachao Ghar Banao Andolan Continues, Thousands Continue their Sit-in at Azad Maidan, Mumbai

Thousands of Mumbaikars March towards Mantralaya Claiming Dignity and Equal Rights to City

A Sea of people marched on Streets of Mumbai to reach Mantralaya

Thousands of Mumbai’s Urban Poor to begin new year with long march on foot to Mantrayala







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  1. Trackback: Press Release Mumbai’s urban poor’s 10 Days long struggle ends with victory #Landscam « kracktivist
  2. Trackback: #Mumbai slumdwellers- Living in No Man’s Land « kracktivist

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