A slight obsession with books

Crafts, cats and books

SAL – Fellowship of the hooties #04


This is the scheduled three-weekly post for the SAL that I’m doing with several other crafty blogs and I’ve finished Fellowship of the hooties. It’s taken me a little longer than I hoped but I loved stitching it and I love the design. I’m very tempted to buy more of the Hooties designs from Pinoy Stitch on Etsy as there are some brilliant ones.

I only had two owls left to do after the last update. This one is Boromir.And this one is Gimli, who was another favourite to stitch. This is the finished item. I’ve no idea how I’m going to finish this one off. I’ll pop it in the box for now and see if inspiration strikes.

I’ve already started pulling together a selection of projects for next year but I may stitch a bit on an old project for now and see how I go with that.

I think a few other people in the SAL have happy dances this time so lots of lovely new projects coming soon 🙂

For the stitch-a-long I’m linking up to these lovely blogs:
Avis, Claire, Gun, Sue, Constanze, Christina, Kathy, Margaret, CindyLinda, Heidi, Jackie, Sunny, Hayley, Megan, DeborahMary Margaret, Renee, Jenny, Carmela, Jocelyn, Sharon, Daisy, Anne, Connie

Do allow for people being in different time zones, so not posting all at the same time, but it’s well worth doing a bit of blog hopping to see all the lovely projects that are being worked on.

Author: Carole

The books I read, the things I make, the places I go.

32 thoughts on “SAL – Fellowship of the hooties #04

  1. Very cute 😀 Do you plan a series of pieces to do each year, or what?


    • Thank you 🙂

      I was a bit frustrated that I only got one project stitched in 2018 so for this year, I picked out five projects, worked out roughly how many SAL updates each one would need, and then mapped it all out in a nice spreadsheet. (I love spreadsheets!)
      It worked well so I’m doing something similar for next year in the hopes I can be as productive 🙂


  2. Such adorable owls! Congratulations on your happy dance!!! Looking forward to seeing what’s coming next!


  3. Grattis! This is one of the cutest fellowship I have ever seen!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hooray for the hooties. They are so cute. I will look forward to seeing what you work on next. I wonder what is in your wip box??


    • Thank you 🙂
      My WIP box isn’t looking too bad at the moment. Mainly I want to finish Precious Dreams and a SAL with lots of different stitches. If you want a clue to what’s coming up next year, click on Cross Stitch at the top of this page.


  5. What a great finish. Love the little owls.


  6. Congratulations on your finish! Those owls are super cute and I am interested in how you will choose to finish them.


  7. Congratulations! This is such a fun piece and you stitched it beautifully!


  8. Very cute ! Congratulations on the happy dance. Not sure what you could finish it in, if it’s quite small maybe a book sleeve or something ?


    • Thank you 🙂
      It’s more cushion size but although I love to see cross stitch finished that way, I’m always wary of the cats. My cushion covers are constantly in the wash as they get covered in fur. I suspect it’ll end up on the wall eventually, but how is a different matter LOL


  9. Congrats on the finish ~ it looks awesome, so fun and whimsical. I know you’ll come up with the perfect finish for this 🙂 Sharon


  10. Congratulations on your finish! Your owls are so cute. The whole piece turned out awesome! I am looking forward to see what you will stitch on next. Great job!


  11. Yay well done Carole! Congrats on your happy dance, your hooties look beautiful and I just did a quick etsy search and oh my goodness, I’m sure I will be doing some cute hooties myself next year! Looking forward to seeing what you pick up next. Jenny xx


  12. That is great, I need to go get this one!


  13. Hurry for another great finish! I’m Happy Dancing this time too 🙂 I’d say, definitely finish a WIP if you have one, rather than starting something new next time. Easy for me to say when I have no WIPs hehe.


    • Thanks! It’s great that so many of us are dancing this time. There’s enough of us to have our own disco LOL

      I’m going to try to finish Precious Dreams, but I’ll probably do it in stages rather than try to do it all at once. It’s so stitch intensive and requires a lot more concentration than most of the patterns that I stitch.

      You’re very virtuous having no WIPs. I’m envious LOL

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Such a fun project Carole! Congratulations on your happy dance!!


  15. that’s really lovely Carole ^^
    I’ve had a happy dance too !


    • Thank you 🙂
      I can’t wait to see what you’re doing next. You and Avis always pick such brilliant designs to work on. Are you doing one together again? (or is that hush hush 😉 )


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