Bible verses about domestic violence and abuse — a website you can participate in

What does the Bible say about domestic violence and abuse? is the name of a page on OpenBible.Info.

At present the page lists about 80 Bible passages that relate to domestic abuse. You can vote for each passage as ‘helpful’ or ‘unhelpful’. And you can suggest verses to add to the list! So it’s a page that we can all be involved in and help develop.

We encourage you to click on the link above and add your votes and suggestions. 🙂

If you are suggesting new passages for the list you can chose any verse or set of continuous verses and any translation of the Bible. I found it really enjoyable to participate in and I added quite a few suggestions.

6 thoughts on “Bible verses about domestic violence and abuse — a website you can participate in”

  1. Thanks Barbara, I love topical and word Bible studies … This is very timely for maneuvering and eventually walking “out of the fog”.

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