Yule cookie – Grandpa’s Shortbread

For anyone’s holiday pleasure that wants to make it, here is my great-grandfather’s Scottish Shortbread recipe.

1 lb of flour, preferably unbleached, this equals 4 cups

1 lb of butter and don’t you dare use margarine! That would be a crime!

¼ lb of brown sugar but I cheat and use a loosely packed cup which is more than a ¼ lb.

Cut a large rectangle of brown paper out of a paper bag and put it aside.

Combine all 3 ingredients by hand, no cheating with a mixer! Until it is a smooth, well mixed ball of dough.

Pat out flat on the brown paper about ½ inch thick. Prick with fork to break apart later or don’t and just break it into bits when done.

Place in 350 degree oven for around 15 minutes or until light tan. Do not slip a pan underneath. Just put the paper in the oven. The grease from the butter will prevent the paper from burning.

Remove from oven. Let cool a bit and serve with a nice cup of tea. I prefer Twining’s Prince of Wales.

Our great- grandfather was a professional baker and all our family bakes. So this is required for holidays.

3 thoughts on “Yule cookie – Grandpa’s Shortbread

  1. Reblogged this on sherriemiranda1 and commented:
    Thanks, Druidess! Must be really special if it’s from your great grandpa! Did he do a lot of cooking? Or maybe just baking?
    I used to bake a lot when I was young, and am now getting back into it again. (My hubby keeps the thermostat low so baking serves 2 purposes!)
    As far as using margarine, that would be a crime against humanity too! I read an article about how they made it to fatten up turkeys, so when it killed the turkeys, they convinced the FDA to let them sell it to people! Not only that, but the FDA let them convince people through their ads that it was better for them THAN BUTTER! Luckily I was in that 25 year time period when I thought that it was fat that made us FAT, so I never bought the stuff!
    Of course, now I know a bit better and have even read that butter helps the body absorb nutrients, so I do partake every now and then.
    This would be a perfect time to try a great recipe from it’s place of origin! 😉 ❤
    Peace, love & good food for all,
    Sherrie Miranda's historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
    Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too:

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