How did #BCWineChat Affect Change in 2012?


How did #BCWineChat Affect Change in 2012?

What a great year it was to be on twitter and to be active on #BCWineChat!  This week let’s look at where we’ve been, what we achieved, what we fell short in achieving and what we still have yet to tackle for next year. Your participation in feedback is critical to keeping the chat going!

In 2012 we certainly didn’t shy away from heated POLITICAL issues: From Bill C-311 to allow for interprovincial wine shipments to corkage laws to regulations for charity donations to farmer’s markets to regulations across the entire   industry.  The chat was always looking critically at the issues facing our wine industry as asking “Why do we need these archaic liquor laws?”

We covered CONSUMER issues like the age-ability of BC wines, BC Bubbly, Cabernet Franc, best varieties to grow, wine touring tips, BBQ pairings and pricing of BC wines.

We looked at issues facing WINERIES such as vineyard and cellar operations, winery restaurants, events and highlighting various wine regions (such as Vancouver Island).

We’d love to expand next year to include more discussion from RETAILERSRESTAURANTS and REGULATORS but that an only happen if word gets out about the good thing we have going with the chat.

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