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Blog Tour ~ The Unforgettable Kind by Melanie Munton: Review + Giveaway!


The Unforgettable Kind
by Melanie Munton

Publication date: June 25th 2019
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Rating: 3.5 –  4 /5 stars

A best friends to enemies to lovers romance.


As the first female lead sportscaster with FNN (Football News Network), I’ve had to be tough and unflappable for years. No matter how far we women have come, football is still a man’s world. Which is why I’ve strutted my stilettos and lipstick on every field and around every TV studio I’ve ever worked, making sure everyone knows just how much of a woman I am. I let no man get under my skin.

Especially not Kade Jennings.

We have a history, Kade and I. It goes all the way back to high school and spans our college years. We used to be best friends, but we haven’t spoken in years. Not since he left without a word, and I made it clear that I never wanted to speak to him again. Now all of a sudden he’s FNN’s newest analyst?

He thinks I’ll break. With every wink he flashes me off-camera and every grope he sneaks under the table, he assumes I’ll shed my badass shell and fall into his arms like old times.

Well screw him, his charismatic smile, and his giant di—er—ego.

I am where I am today because I’ve never let any man stand in my way.

If Kade even tries, I’ll bring him to his knees.


Fate can be a real bitch.

One minute you think you’re going to get the girl, and the next minute she’s slipping away.

It’s a complicated thing, to be in love with your best friend. That friend zone is a tricky place to be, not that I ever entered into it willingly. At least, not with Sam. Fate just seemed to place me there, despite the fight I put up.

Well, fate can go screw herself.

Sam Lawrence was always meant to be mine.

And it’s finally time that I prove it to her.

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Where do I start? The Unforgettable Kind wasn’t what I was expecting, I definitely have mixed feelings, (more good than bad) and while this book is technically centered around football its so much more than that. 

I’ll admit it took me a while to get into, the beginning 40% of the book felt like an overload of football talk, and I know the main character Sam is basically a football enthusiast but it just felt like too much. If it wasn’t for that part I would have liked it more. And I’ll be honest, I skipped a few paragraphs here and there because of it, but things started picking up and I became fully invested in the story.

Like I said, it’s so much more than football, we get to follow Samantha, aka Sam and Kade on their journey back to one another. We learn of their past and get to see their present relationship form. It gave us a good insight to the story of Sam and Kade. I loved the characters and how the story was told. Their story is really heartbreaking. They have so much chemistry, I was literally on the edge of my seat screaming at them to just get together already! But as much as I wanted them to be together, it was all about the pacing of the story which was good, considering their past and how much Sam didn’t want to know the truth. It was annoying at times yet satisfying, just waiting for them to have that talk near the end. Which let me tell you felt like an eternity to get to, there was so much suspense on the BIG ‘why’ question, but once we got to it, I felt really immersed and it felt relatable in ways.

Also, there’s an interesting twist involving the mafia, BUT that’s all I’ll say about it! You’ll have to read the book! We get to know more about in the last few chapters, which were spicy, imo!

I’m really happy I finished this one, it’s worth the read. I definitely recommend it, especially if you like sports romances and drama!


~Author Bio~

Traveler. Reader. Beach-goer. St. Louis Cardinals fan. Pasta-obsessed. North Carolina resident. Sarcastic. Bit of a nerd.

Author of the Cruz Brothers, Possession and Politics, and Timid Souls series, Melanie loves all things romance, comedies and suspense in particular because it’s boring to only stick to one sub-genre! From light-hearted comedies to sexy thrillers, she likes to mix it up, but loves her some strong alpha males and sassy heroines.

Go visit Melanie’s website and sign up for her newsletter to stay updated on release dates, teasers, and other details for all of her projects!

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2 thoughts on “Blog Tour ~ The Unforgettable Kind by Melanie Munton: Review + Giveaway!

  1. Great review! This sounds like a well written, compelling read! And with fun twists, too! Glad you liked it!

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