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{Review} Chasing Darien by J.M.Stoneback

36403834Chasing Darien by J.M. Stoneback

eBook, 240 pages

~Rating: 4.5/5 stars~


Broken, shattered, downright destroyed.
But I’ll be damned if I’m going to let my cheating ex-husband win.
I’m determined to get back in the game, put myself back out there,
And risk it all over again.

And Darien Casey is exactly the distraction I need.
Sexy, cocky, rude, and irresistible.
He’s everything I need,
And everything I shouldn’t want.

Hell, I’m no knight in shining armor,
Nobody’s prince charming.
I can’t fix her broken heart.

She’s sassy, nerdy, and undeniably irresistible.
I don’t know what it is,
But everything about Alana Underwood makes me want her more.
She’s a pain in the ass,
And I can’t get enough.


*a copy was provided by the author*

OH my! Once I started this book I couldn’t put it down~ 

This book was full of emotion. I fell in love with Alana and Darien. Alana has just broken up with her cheating husband and hads no desire to love again, until she met her brother’s friend Darien at the club she works at. They both have broken hearts from past marriages. The connection they have is soo incredible, characters were great and watching their relationships grow was very, very hawt. haha  

Passion, desire, love, hatred. This book was full of emotion and such a good romance that has its hotness and a bit of drama. This is the fist book I’v read from J.M. Stoneback and it wont be the last! I highly recommend it!


~Author Bio~

I am an indie author. I write contemporary romance, new adult romance, paranormal romance. Love to read and write, enjoy playing video games and watching anime.

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Happy Reading!


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