Ana's Bookshelf · ARC · Review

{Review} The Watcher of the Night Sky by Rachel Pudsey

40365776The Watcher of the Night Sky by Rachel Pudsey

Kindle Edition, 352 pages

Published May 24th 2015 by Pronoun (first published December 28th 2014)


~Rating: 4/5 stars~

Fifteen-year-old Abigail Crumble was never much for talking about love and marriage and other such nonsense – no matter how often her boy obsessed best friend pestered her to do so. Or so she so adamantly proclaimed.

Yet on the eve of her sixteenth birthday, Abigail makes the biggest, most contradictory mistake of her life. She wishes on the stars for love, or even the smallest amount of attention, without knowing the full impact of such a feat.

Abigail soon finds her simple life in chaos as princes, men and mysterious creatures come to her door, each adamantly in love with her and refusing to leave her side.

Mixing fantasy and romance, The Watcher of the Night Sky begins the tale of one girl’s quest to rid herself of a curse that was definitely far more than she wished for.

Revised edition: This edition of The Watcher of the Night Sky includes editorial revisions.


*a copy was provided by NetGalley*

Mhmm.. An interesting take on ‘when you wish upon a star’ and all the chaos that can happen. The beginning starts off kinda weird and slow… took me a while to get into…

The basic plot of this book is actually really interesting; great concept! It’s a love story—overwhelming love—and dark magic, family secrets, and of course teenage angst.

Abigail was a good character,  I was intrigued by her not being so typical of heroines.  The characters are all full of life and plenty of humor with Abigail serving us the serious side of things. We watch her grow as she struggles with the problems that arise in this story which demonstrates some of the great character development in this book.

Abigail decides to make a wish for her sixteenth birthday, she decides she wants love and attention but she gets so much more than what she bargained for. She finds herself being wooed by Princes, that just show up at her doorstep professing their endless love for her. But she doesn’t just get love and attention, Abigail becomes an obsession. Desperate to get away from the overwhelming romance, she decides to try to cancel the sudden wish…. this is where the real story begins! I don’t want to give too much away. But there are lots of twists & turns!

The Watcher of the Night Sky is definitely not your average YA/romance. I actually enjoyed it very much. I recommend it!


~Author Bio~

Rachel was born and raised in Scotland. A graduate of psychology, she now resides in South Korea. She has dabbled in teaching children, but after a few blessed years has succumbed to teaching business English to adults in Seoul.

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Happy Reading!


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