Ana's Bookshelf · ARC · Review

{Review} Falsies by Olive East

36047132Falsies by Olive East

Paperback, 314 pages

Published August 22nd 2017 by Limitless Publishing

~Rating: 4/5 stars~


When Brooks walks into my life, I can’t keep from wanting him. He’s perfection—a sexy veterinary student who knows how to cook and always cheers me up when I’m down. But I don’t deserve a man like him. There’s a darkness in me that no one could ever love, and I know he’ll abandon me, just like everyone I’ve ever cared about. Just like my father. I wouldn’t be able to stand that hurt, so I push him away. Then my ex comes back. He betrayed me before, but now he says he wants to make me feel whole again. I know it isn’t right, and I shouldn’t let him into my life. But all I want is to recapture the happiness I once had. But sometimes those who want to fix things leave you more broken, and some friends turn out to be false. How can you tell true love from a lie?


*a copy was provided by NetGalley*

I loved this book. It was DIFFERENT. I really enjoyed this, it hooked me from the start and just adored the main character Ollie and her story, especially when Brooks came in the picture.  From the start I could tell that this was a story that would go deeper than the pages and characters. There are a lot of things that I could point out that caught my attention, but most definitely the depth of the main character, Ollie and how she slowly reveals why she is the way she is.

Ollie is struggling after the death of her father, who committed suicide. Ollie believes that she’s broken beyond ‘fixing’, and no one will want her the way she is.  She’s emotional, very much so and you can just feel her emotions and anxiety as if it is your own. The thing is, she really isn’t broken, and I found her to be a pretty strong woman. She just has to learn to believe that. She is isn’t perfect, she does things that I don’t agree with and if I could I probably would have tried to smack some sense into her, but you learn life’s lessons as you go along. I feel like that image is only backed up by her unhealthy relationships with both her ‘best friends’, Sadie, and her ex boyfriend Arron, who is engaged to Sadie. They say they want what’s best for her but they both put Ollie down a lot, in both obvious and more discreet ways, but they know that Ollie will come back after a few days. I hated Sadie and Arron with a passion. There are a few other people, you have Ollie’s Mom, can you say, “piece of work”, and Brooks parents, “curiously interesting”. They all made for a fantastic set of characters that I hope we get a little more about them in the next book.

The romance was sweet, slow and builds at a nice burning pace. There is no jumping right in the bed, no instant I love’s you. Yes, there is chemistry from the initial hello, but neither of them act on it. Having their back stories woven in was a nice way to understand them both a little better. And I enjoyed watching them get to know each other and build something a little more than just something sexual. Now, don’t get me wrong, they had some steamy sexual encounters and well worth the wait. The romance between Brooks and Ollie was done in such a way that I couldn’t help but to root for them.

This book was a roller-coaster ride filled with emotion. Ollie is such an intense character and through out the entire book, I just wanted her to find happiness. I fell in love with this book from the second I started reading it. I would most definitely recommend this book to anybody wanting to read a swoon-worthy love story! This is the first book I’ve read from this author and I can’t wait to read more! I highly recommend it!


Olive East

~Author Bio~

Olive East lives in the hills of Pennsylvania where she spends her days writing in various scenic locations until her laptop battery dies and obsessing over nineties TV shows. She loves cats, kindness, coffee, and writing steamy New Adult novels featuring heaps of drama.

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Happy Reading!


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