Ronnie aka John update

We received an update on our girl Ronnie aka John today, which I wanted to share here with everyone, as so many of you helped us raise the funds to adopt her.

This is an update from her vet Eddie:

“A few months ago Ronnie AKA John was health checked to investigate her increased respiratory rate. It turned out that Ronnie had been doing too well with the improved nutrition and diet Animals Asia had been providing, and as a result had gained a little too much weight. This weight gain, in combination with some minor blood pressure issues had resulted in an increase in her breathing.

Since then Ronnie has been on a diet and she is now sitting at a very comfortable weight. She is still a larger lady, but we like to think of her as big boned, rather than fat.

Today we performed another health check to follow up on some dental work she required and to recheck her eyes, which had some subtle changes on her last health check. Ronnie was pretty aware, and knew what was about to come with her anaesthetic jab. But true to form, she loved her strawberry sauce so much she did not really mind the jab. Ronnie had a good anaesthetic, although her blood pressure was high, which might be a sign of underlying disease. The changes in Ronnie’s eyes are also suggestive of high blood pressure, however these changes are not advanced and at this time there is no indication for medical intervention. Ronnie had three teeth removed, all of which were minor. Ronnie woke up from her anaesthetic very smoothly and was keen to tuck into her dinner shortly after her recovery. She will be receiving chopped food for the next few days to give her mouth a rest, as well as a course of antibiotics and pain relief. We will be monitoring Ronnie’s weight and also looking for signs of progression of her high blood pressure, but for now she is in good health and great condition.”

Although she’s not 100% she is receiving the best care in the world and I’m sure that blood pressure will be kept under control.

As you can see here, she certainly knows how to enjoy the better things in life now thanks to Animals Asia.


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