Mr. Trump Committed Treason

Treason Committed by US President Donald J. Trump

Treason Committed by US President Donald J. Trump

Important Note: Trump in orange jumpsuit is for laughs only; the president of the United States can only be impeached and removed from office (if convicted of treason, bribery, high crimes or misdemeanors) at which point he may arrested.

The new development in the FBI investigation clearly points fingers to Trump’s associates in collusion with Russia. Republicans must not treat this as a partisan issue; it is the most serious problem the country has confronted since its birth, the possibility that the individual in the Oval Office, the president of the United States is an agent of a foreign government.

This. Is not a movie.

This. Is. Not. A. Joke.

Although the report did not specifically mention Trump as the subject of the investigation, one would have to be really stupid to believe those “associates” took upon themselves to collude with Russia. It is expected that the Trump’s administration will spin the new development 10 million ways, however one would have to be a complete moron to believe “Trump’s associates” acted on their own. No Trump’s associate has ever dared taking any initiative without his specific approval.

The guy who hounded Obama for eight years as a foreigner is actually an agent of a foreign government, Russia, US’ archenemy.
Lock him up!
Donald Trump is NOT worth the sacrifice of our nation.
Mr. Trump has been colluded with Russia for quite some time now while pretending he wants “To Make America Great”.
Mr. Trump is a traitor.
He MUST be immediately impeached.

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