Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Thankful Thursday (then we’ll get Poetic!)

First this Thursday we want to take some time to thank Brian for being our host for Thankful Thursday – you can pop over and join in the fun if you click his badge above and join the BLOG HOP to talk about everything we are THANKFUL for.    This week I am thankful for my very FIRST Christmas tree experience – Mom and Dad were a little worried about how I would behave with a tree in the library BUT I took a page from Angel Sammy’s book about how to behave around a Christmas tree and I am lying UNDER the tree on the tree skirt and minding my own business…..haven’t touched an ornament (although they are tempting) and have not tried to climb the tree (I’m not much of a climber anyway).    Mom and Dad are THANKFUL that I’m behaving!    See, I know Santa Paws has me on his NICE list now and I don’t want him to move me to the NAUGHTY list!

I’m also thankful that Angel Sammy got through the clouds from the Bridge on his wi-fi connecting cloud and send me his POETIC THURSDAY poem last night!    Ready?


Happy Poetic Thursday Friends!

Time for our get-together on Thursdays each week to exchange some poetic thoughts……………we are at the END of the alphabet again and thanks to all of you who voted in the poll last week, we will be starting our PHOTO POEM CHALLENGE next week!     Instead of moving through the alphabet a letter at a time, I will be showing you a photo the week before and the following Thursday we will all write a poem about what WE see in the photo or what we FEEL from seeing the photo – or ANYTHING relating to the photo I show you!    I think it’s going to be tons of fun.   The photos can be ANYTHING………a place, a thing – ANYTHING.   I will give you your Photo for NEXT Thursday AFTER I share with you my poem for the last letter of the alphabet – “Z” !!

The prompts I gave you last week were just ideas for you – as you know by now you can write a poem about ANYTHING that begins with the letter “Z” – the suggestions were:

(1) Zoo (2) Zing (3) Zipper (4) Zap

I decided to use one of my own prompts for today!


By Angel Sammy Kimmell, Dec. 6, 2017

A zoo is a place where animals are “kept”

Where things look so neat and sidewalks are swept

Where snacks are sold and kids carry balloons

But behind the scenes may be a much different tune

The animals living there really had no choice

They were unable to decline to go there – they had no voice

They are out of their element, far far from home

Sometimes in small cages where they cannot roam

It’s true that zoos are better than they used to be

They are eliminating cages and let animals run free

Wide open spaces and more natural food

It’s more comfortable for the animals and does them good

Zoos help the endangered and give medical care to the sick

The animals aren’t stuck in circuses and forced to do tricks

But one day it would be wonderful if we could see

A time when all animals could live lives that are free………..


It is true that zoos are so much better for the most part than they were when my Mom was a child………..animals looked so sad holding into the bars watching the people freely come and go.   Much like the way animals in shelters and pet stores look until they are lucky enough to get their FOREVERS like I was – and like Teddy was!

So enough about ZOOS – I hope you wrote a poem today to celebrate the LAST letter of the alphabet?  If you did, make sure you give us your blog link in my comments here – or write your poem in a comment……….we’d LOVE to read your poetic endeavor!     Those of you who have said that you’ve never written poetry before – neither had my Mom or myself until we tried – and we found it was fun AND challenging.   

Next Thursday we begin the NEW Poetic Challenge.   I will give you a photo in my post here today – and next Thursday your poem should be ABOUT the photo…..what you see, what you THINK you see, how it makes you feel, what it makes you think of……….WHATEVER!   The photo is just a “springboard” to a poem…………I think it will be fun, and I hope you will enjoy it.   I had tons of YES votes in the poll we had last week so let’s give it a whirl!    Here is your photo for NEXT Thursday.    Ready???



Quite an unusual photo isn’t it……………………….let it spark your imagination – what do you see?   What do you feel when you see it?   Make up a story about it in poetry form – or ANYTHING it makes you think about.     Every week it will be a different type of photo – this is just our first one…………….SO – it’s a date right?  I’ll see you next Thursday and you will all write a poem about this photo.   YOU CAN DO IT!    

‘Tis I ! Angel Sammy, zeeee French poet!!!

See you next Thursday!   

Love, Angel Sammy



Well this ought to be a lot of fun and VERY interesting too as a challenge…………………………..Meanwhile, I hope all of you have a great Thankful and Poetic Thursday!

Hugs, Teddy

43 responses »

  1. My human has mixed feelings about zoos. Yes, they are better than they were, and serve a purpose, when it comes to research and species preservation, but it still doesn’t seem like an idea environment for wild critters.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Same here Summer….my Mom has mixed feelings and I guess you can tell that with our poem – Sammy consulted with Mom on that one and all three of us agree there are good things AND some “not so good” things about zoos.

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Will you ride on Sammy’s train this christmas too? I like your poem and we should think about the real life of thid animals when we watch them behind bars… and sadly if we continue to torture our earth we once can only see some species in zoo’s or parks…

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh Phenny I will definitely ride Sammy’s train this Christmas….although so far my Dad hasn’t put the train under our tree – we’ll see how THAT goes. I will ride the train on our blog though – after all, Sammy’s train was a tradition here for a looooooooooooooooong time. I love love love your poem today and I’m glad you like mine too. Next week we should have some fun with the PHOTO don’t you think?? Weird photo too – should make us come up with some interesting poetry.

      Love and Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. So far, I haven’t gotten tangled in the wire from the tree either, T. So far….. No promises. I walk (and run) pretty close to it, but the tree is still up. I think you are a good kitty to laze around on the tree skirt and not climb or undecorate it. Angel S is guiding you well, as always!

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Angel Sammy said if I am very good and don’t mess with the tree, Santa Paws is more likely to bring me more “stuff” – same for you dear Cupcake – if we try to behave, Santa comes through!!!!

      Love, Teddy


  4. Sounds like you are being very good about the tree, Teddy. Z Cat was a good girl, too. She did like to chew the bulbs once and awhile but only for a few seconds. Our Holly Cat was naughty when it came to the tree and she was sneaky about it too…she was so funny. I think about her a lot at Christmas. I think the new challenge looks like fun. Interesting photo! Sammy’s Zoo poem makes me thoughtful about the animals in zoos… I have mixed thoughts, too.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Mom is happy I’m behaving…..we’ll see how I do when there are presents under that tree with RIBBON!!!!! Holly and Z Cat were different with the tree – and I’ve heard BOTH sides of the story. I just figured if I leave the tree alone, Santa Paws would bring me more presents for being a GOOD boy!!!!! Glad you think our new photo challenge will be fun…..I hope people join in next week!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Well done poem, sad, but true. I think that is why I have never wanted to visit a zoo. That photo is going to be a toughie.And Teddy, I am glad you are being a good boy, but you are so cute that you can get away with a little naughty 🙂 XO

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m thinking of changing things for the Photo Poem………maybe I should give people a choice of the photo I show OR one of their own photos to write a poem about? What do you think????

      Naughty? Who – me? Tee Hee
      Love, Teddy


    • Angel Sammy says I’m SURE to get lotsa stuff from Santa Paws since I’m being so good about the tree…………he’s got inside info so I’m excited! Yes we think the photo poem challenge will be INTERESTING too!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Teddy you’re being a very good kitty around the tree. You are missing some holiday fun though. Bells are meant for ringing. My Buddy and Sissy loved the tree. Come to think of it, that’s when Daddy refused to put up a tree. We’re trying again soon. I’ve missed it.
    We’re up to the challenge of the poetry photo challenge. In fact I was already inspired to write a poem.
    Here’s my poem for Z:

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Sammy, you are so wise, and your poem was total purrfection again this week. That photo is so interesting. Mom says she is happy she’ll have an entire week to try to come up with something. Go for that cat tree, Teddy. You’re going to love it. Sending love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer
    Here’s the link to our haiku:

    Liked by 1 person

    • I really do want to use that cat tree – – – after all, Santa Paws brought it just for me and Mom and Dad put it together for me thinking I’d LOVE IT. Well, maybe I’m loving it when nobody is looking????!!! I think once I get used to it in MY basement, I will use it. It has a great view out the atrium doors and out a high window too that I’ve never seen out of before. Just gonna take TIME!

      Love, Teddy


    • Probably a good idea – my Mom and Dad were a little worried so didn’t put ornaments on the bottom part at first but when I totally ignored the tree other than getting UNDER it to sleep, they finished decorating it!

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. Teddy! The trees are just so beatiful! Climbing them might spoil that, I too am being good. Angel Queen Penelope tells me not to too, I am sure Angel Sammy is the same with you.
    And I loved Angel Sammy’s poem. I was stuck in a tiny room for almost a yezr, I know how awful it is and I and so joyous and free now!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Freedom is great…..and you deserve it my friend – it makes me happy that YOU are happy. Mom and Dad don’t know what my first 11 months were like but we think they may have been very different than the way I’m living now! I love the cold, I don’t like any people food, and I love going outside on my harness. FREEDOM is great. Glad you liked Angel Sammy’s poem too!!!!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  9. There is an episode of The Twilight Zone, I think it’s called “People Are The Same All Over,” that perfectly puts the shoe on the other foot when it comes to zoos. Speaking of prisons, I’m trying to figure out which on that is in the photo, but my mind is too distracted by those clouds!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pretty wild photo isn’t it? They are mammatus clouds (I think I spelled it right) and they are a signal of WEIRD weather. I remember that Twilight Zone episode – I guess not enough people have seen it to get the feeling that there’s something WRONG with the concept of things in cages???? LOL



  10. Mee-you Teddy yur so grown uppy an well behaved! Mee knocked thee tabull top tree off thee tabull so many timess it got put inn thee pantree! Yur far better behaved than mee! 😉
    Now mee knowss mee iss late butt mee wanted to finish thee Alfie-bet with mee own “Z” poe-em.

    “When you see mee goin zippin bye
    do not worry; do not cry!
    Iss just mee playin an havin fun;
    whether there iss rain or there iss Sun.
    Mee LUVSS to zippy zoomie
    all around thee roomie!!!
    Mee iss a fun luvvin mankat
    An mee zippy zoomiess; true dat!”

    bye Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=
    What do you fink Teddy an Unccle Sammy??? Mee had fun ritin that poe-em…ok time to ‘zippy zoomie’…..
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are the perfect guy to write a zippy zoomie poem for sure! You are the PRINCE of ZOOM! You have done a wonderful job with the alphabet challenge of Angel Sammy’s – next week will be harder because you write a poem about a PHOTO!

      You can do it!
      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • YOU ARE RIGHT MISS BOOMDEE!!! It is Tangier Island but no my Dad hasn’t taken Mom there yet in the plane – Mom wants to go there though – maybe next Spring….it’s a wonderful spot to visit!

      Hugs, Teddy


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