my new favorite breakfast

maple/banana/nut butter toast!

Seriously, it is THE best.

I’m on a maple-kick right now, inspired both by my Justin’s Maple Almond Butter and the unopened maple spread that has been sitting in my pantry since last fall when Andrew and I spent a week in Quebec.

Get thee to a grocery store and find some maple spread as fast as you can!  It is THAT good.  You won’t find the specific brand I was using, but you might be able to find something like it, either with the maple syrups, honey or in the jam aisle.  Or in the specialty/gourmet/organic foods section.  And if you absolutely can’t find it, just drizzle some (real) maple syrup over the top.

Here’s what I did:

Toast a slice of whole grain bread, spread with your maple butter/spread/whatever you’re using, top with half a sliced banana, then drizzle with whatever nut butter you currently have open.  Almond butter isn’t as rich to me as some peanut butters and sunflower seed butter, so I find it pairs well with other things.  If you’re using syrup instead of maple butter, spread your nut butter on your warm toast, then add the banana and syrup.

I had this for breakfast two or three times and just raved to Andrew about it.  He’s Mr. Picky and rarely strays from plain jam on toast, so I was floored this morning when he requested this concoction for breakfast!  I called later to see how he liked it, and he said it was “outstanding.”  This is big, people.

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