Today the Daily Post asks us what the last thing was that we Googled. At work, my Google searches have been pretty straight forward – I’m looking for  New Orleans-based fashion bloggers who might want to cover the event that I’m organizing next week. But earlier today, I was searching for a way to extend my credit line.

I’m renting a car tonight, and though I’ve already paid for the rental, I needed to be able to have some money on my credit card to cover any kind of extra charge that might occur, like a security deposit. Since I only had $14 left, I had to figure out how to get a little padding in time to pick up the car tonight, which eventually had me Googling “how to increase credit line on Chase card.”

Luckily I figured it out and all is fine. There’s no button on the Chase site that allows you to request and get an answer – you actually have to call the number on the back of your credit card and speak with a representative. My rep was very nice, though, and the process took surprisingly little time – about 15 minutes in all. They were able to extend my credit by just a tiny bit, enough to cover whatever the security deposit will be, so now there won’t be any issue with renting my car tonight. Such a relief!

Tomorrow I’m off to Austin to enjoy a fabulous birthday weekend with friends, nature, yoga, and hopefully a huge helping of Tex Mex food 😀

7 responses to “Extending My Credit Line”

  1. […] Extending My Credit Line – Compass & Quill […]

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  3. Knit’s just the beginning . . . | Rob's Surf Report Avatar

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  6. A FEW THINGS | hastywords Avatar

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    […] Extending My Credit Line – Compass & Quill […]

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I’m Nova

I have no “personal brand.” I’m not a girl boss, I’m not an influencer, and I don’t aspire to be powerful, inspiring, or rich. I probably can’t teach you anything, and there’s a good chance that there’s nothing at all of interest or use to you here. This is just where I come to talk about the random bits and pieces that make up my quiet life as a sober woman in her 40s. I’m engaged to the love of my life, have six (yes, SIX) indoor pets, and spend a lot of time gardening and hunting for thrift treasures. I also study classical voice (I’m a lyric coloratura soprano) and am deeply interested in all things spiritual and paranormal. Right now I’m trying to recover from career burnout and even out my personal energy, but my eventual goal is to become a medium and shamanic healer, using music to remind humans of the things that actually matter: connection, community, and loving all living things as though they were our own children. I may or may not talk about all of these things here (and sometimes all at once). Welcome!