Praise on Bad Days

I have continued to have some challenges with some kidney stone problems the past week.  It has caused some discomfort and some nights where I have not slept too well but that has not kept me from thanking the Lord for all the blessings I have received from Him.  I have a wonderful wife, some wonderful kids and grandkids, a good job, a supportive church and many other reasons to get out of bed and praise the Lord each day.  The Bible says in Psalm 118:24

“This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”  Psalm 118:24  

I know that it is easier to rejoice on some days than it is on others.  It is easy to rejoice and be happy when things are going good.  It is easy to praise and offer thanks when the birds are singing, when we feel well and when people are treating us nice. It is not so easy on the cloudy days when the birds stay in the nest and we don’t hear their songs.  It is not so easy to rejoice on the days when others are not treating us right or when we do not feel well.

Perhaps those are the days when we need to praise the most.  The Bible says in Psalm 22:3 that the Lord inhabits the praises of His people.  When we praise Him it is easier to get through some of the seasons of discomfort and times of stress in our lives.

Yes, this day I am tired and I don’t feel 100%.  But this is the day that the Lord has made.  He has given it to me.  He has bestowed favor and grace upon me.  He has loved me in magnificent ways.  I may not feel as good as I could but I will accept this day for what it is…. a gift from the Living God.  I will be glad and rejoice in it!

Until next time may God bless you and those you love.  Until next time, stay strong and keep the faith.

In Christ,

Pastor Phillip

About pastorpstephens

I have been blessed to have served as a pastor, a chaplain and to have been involved in other ministries throughout the years. My wife Marta and I have been blessed with a wonderful family that includes our daughter, her husband and their two daughters and our son and his wife and their son. Each of them are very special to us so please keep them all in your prayers. One truth that I always try to share with people I meet is that anything God asks you to do, He will help you to do. God has your back.
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