Five Things Friday: Nursery Mobiles

I have a little boy who hates having his nappy changed.  In fact, I sometimes think that the whole street knows that he hates having his nappy changed, either that or they think I torture him on a regular basis!  Distraction is the name of the game here so I need to make a mobile to hang over his changing mat.  Here’s some inspiration for you!

1. Design Dazzle has a tutorial for this polka dot mobile.

Clouds Hanging Baby Mobile/3D Paper Mobile2. Gosh and Golly has this idea for sale on Etsy.

3. Good Housekeeping has this lovely idea for an autumnal mobile.

4. As a child I was completely obsessed by my spirograph!  If only I had kept it as I’d be using this idea from Zim & Zou.

5. I know this is a door curtain, but this idea from Meowmiix could easily be adapted as a nursery mobile.

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