And the Winner of the Divine Sample Giveaway Is…

L'Homme Infini
L’Homme Infini

As I mentioned yesterday posts will be a tad infrequent this week due to my hellish (hellish I tell you) university assignments, but I couldn’t allow the week to slip by without announcing the winner of my Divine Sample Giveaway. It would be rude not to wouldn’t it?

It was really interesting to read everyone’s favourite barbershop fragrances and it was great to see some old classics alongside some newer, less well-known choices. Anyway, that’s more than enough babbling from me.

The winner of the Divine Sample Giveaway is…


Congratulations! Please send your mailing address to thecandyperfumeboy at gmail dot com and I will get your samples out to you.

If the winner does not contact me by Monday 03 December 2012 an alternative winner will be draw.

Again, a massive thanks to all who entered and to Divine for providing the samples.