Giveaway to celebrate the big 10K: Love is Darkness (Valerie Dearborn #1) by Caroline Hanson

Love is darkness - Carolyn Hanson - Valerie Dearborn 1

To tie in (in part) with Your Urban Fantasy’s 10,000 views celebration, Caroline Hanson is offering her Valerie Dearborne novel “Love is Darkness” for FREE today and tomorrow through Amazon.  If you didn’t get a chance to nab it soon after my review, here’s another chance! I really enjoy this series and I’m definitely looking forward to book 3!  Thanks again to all of you guys and thank you, Ms. Hanson,  for this offer!

11 responses

  1. cher

    This looks interesting 🙂

    April 5, 2012 at 8:55 AM

  2. Somehow I missed your review but checking it now, looks interesting, thank you!

    April 5, 2012 at 9:32 AM

  3. Thanks for the heads up, this looks great!

    April 5, 2012 at 10:03 AM

  4. Gratz on so many hits–looks like it’s over 11,000 now! Heading over to Amazon –thanks!

    April 5, 2012 at 10:15 AM

  5. That is FANTABULOUS! I love books, and I especially love free books!

    April 5, 2012 at 10:19 AM

  6. I’d lie if I said I wouldn’t crawl over here for a free book, especially if it’s UF, PNR or anything Romance. Is that horrible? Anyway, thank you very much! : D

    April 5, 2012 at 11:41 AM

  7. Zeenat

    I got it! 🙂

    April 5, 2012 at 12:01 PM

  8. ShalySha

    I just bought it yesterday and I’m mad bc now is free! but I read the whole thing yesterday and I loved it!! really good! 🙂

    April 5, 2012 at 2:12 PM

  9. Thanks so much! Just got it!

    April 5, 2012 at 3:43 PM

  10. WooHoo, Thanks so much

    April 5, 2012 at 7:16 PM

  11. Thanks Erica and everyone who checked out the book! Hope you like it. Shalysha, if you send me an email I’ll get you the third book for free if you want. It’s not done yet but when it is, you can have it 🙂 This is the first time i’ve done free promotion and I know it bugs me when I buy something and then the price goes down…or disappears. Lol.

    April 6, 2012 at 1:32 AM

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