Jetpack Scan malware scanning announcement

Introducing Jetpack Scan: Stay Ahead of Malware Threats

Your website is essential to your business: it puts you in front of potential customers, gives you a platform to share your passion, and, in many cases, directly generates revenue. If it goes down for any reason, you miss out on valuable customers and visitors.

Hackers, viruses, and malware can bring down your website, either temporarily or permanently, and they’re always evolving. As a business owner, you simply don’t have time to worry about every single threat. You need to focus on running your business. But how can you still protect your hard work?

That’s where Jetpack Scan comes in.

Stay one step ahead of hackers and threats

Jetpack Scan is the latest evolution in WordPress security from Jetpack. “It’s like having a security guard monitoring your site,” says Paolo Belcastro, Head of Product for Jetpack. “You can rest easy knowing that someone’s watching out for you 24/7. And if we find any malware threats or vulnerabilities, you’ll receive an instant email alert so you can fix it right away and get back to running your business. We can even repair the majority of security threats for you with just one click.”

Jetpack scan scanning a WordPress sie for malware

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Check your status on an all-new interface

“Even the best security tools can become useless if they require advanced skills to configure complicated settings. That’s why it was so important for us to build an accessible and streamlined service. We’re proud to introduce a fresh, dedicated interface for Jetpack Scan that will be the central hub for managing all your Jetpack Security products,” says Filipe Varela, of Jetpack Design. You can scan your website, check the results, respond to issues, and, when combined with Jetpack Backup, quickly restore your site to working order all in one place. The interface is currently available to new Scan and Backup customers, and we’ll be rolling it out to existing customers soon. Here are just a few of Jetpack Scan’s features:

Automated daily scanning: Set it and forget it! Jetpack will automatically check your site for malware and other vulnerabilities. 

Instant email notifications: If Jetpack finds any problems, you’ll receive an instant alert and can address them immediately.

One-click fixes: Just press a button and Jetpack will fix the majority of known malware problems so you can get your site back up and running.

Offsite servers: Scanning takes place on Jetpack’s servers, which keeps things running quickly and allows you to access scan results even if your website is completely down.

Seamless integration with Jetpack Backup: Combine Jetpack Scan and Jetpack Backup to keep an eye on your site, fix it, or fully restore it when it’s down or has been hacked.

Protect your site without any technical knowledge

Your website is your passion, your livelihood, and your way to connect with customers; make sure you have a plan to protect it. Jetpack Scan was built specifically for WordPress site owners and its simple, powerful interface allows you to keep tabs on everything without being a security expert. In one, centralized location, you can review scan results, fix problems, and restore backups. No experience needed.

And you can rest easy knowing that a team of security experts has your back. If you ever run into any problems, the Jetpack Support team is unrivaled and available to help.

Jetpack monitors millions of WordPress sites every day. We identify the latest security threats first, so we can better protect your site. As a business owner, you probably have a long list of to-do items; why add website security to it? With Jetpack Scan, you know that your site is guarded at all times.

For a limited time, Jetpack Scan is available for just $7 per month, which is 30% off the regular price. Get an annual subscription for $70, and you get 30% off plus two months free. 

Get started with Jetpack Scan today.

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Rob Pugh profile
Rob Pugh

Rob is the Marketing Lead for Jetpack. He has worked in marketing and product development for more than 15 years, primarily at Automattic, Mailchimp, and UPS. Since studying marketing at Penn State and Johns Hopkins University, he’s focused on delivering products that delight people and solve real problems.

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  1. Steve Wilkison says:

    Will “Jetpack Scan” be (or already is) part of the Premium Plan?


  2. Alexander S. Kunz says:

    If I understand the information correctly, Scan is included in Jetpack Premium, is that correct? Pretty awesome deal with Backup & everything else that’s also included in JP Premium.


  3. David Wang says:

    I have a Jetpack Personal plan, which includes Backups but not Scan. What happens if my site gets infected with malware? Doest that mean my only option is to restore to a backup? Or will Jetpack support help to clean it up manually? Thanks


    • Jeremy says:

      Hi David,

      Jetpack Personal includes Jetpack Backup, so one option would be to restore, as you mentioned, to address any possible points of compromise (unused themes, out-of-date plugins, and so forth). For malware/vulnerability support you would be looking at purchasing Jetpack Scan alongside your Jetpack Personal plan, or upgrade to a Jetpack Plan that includes Scan (Jetpack Premium or Professional).


      Liked by 2 people

  4. majikaconsortium says:

    Nice one

    Liked by 1 person

  5. alephblog says:

    I have Jetpack Premium, but I don’t see how to do a scan. What do I have to do to activate it, or is daily scanning on by default?


    • Dat Hoang says:


      Your site has used Jetpack Premium since 2018 and its backup and security can be managed on VaultPress Dashboard. We’re going to have a plan to switch all existing customers with VaultPress to our new Jetpack Backup and Jetpack Scan system.

      That said, if you’re interested in trying this right now, feel free to reach out via our contact support form.



  6. crawlerguys says:

    Is it available for current users? Or is it an addon?


    • Rob Pugh says:

      Jetpack Scan is available to users who purchase the Jetpack Scan solution, and it’s included in any new Jetpack Premium or Professional plan purchase.

      If you already have a Premium or Professional plan, you have VaultPress, which has the same malware detection capabilities. We’re working hard to bring the new Jetpack Scan UI to you as soon as we can.


  7. Scott Sevener says:

    Is this a rebranding of VaultPress? If not, what’s different?


    • Rob Pugh says:

      Hi Scott,

      Jetpack Scan is an updated version of VaultPress. It shares many backend similarities, but the biggest difference is the new interface that will be the central hub for all Jetpack security. We streamlined many of the settings and user-tested it to make sure it’s easy to use, even if you’re not a WordPress pro.


  8. Simon Robertson says:

    I have just received an email about jetpack scan, it mentioned 30% off, but I cannot find any offers on the pricing?


  9. simonrob78 says:

    You are listing $7 per month for Jet scan, yet in pricing £7 a month which is totally different and confusing.


    • Jeremy says:

      Hi there,

      If you’re located in the UK the pricing is indeed £7/month, vs $7/month USD for those in the US. Apologies for any confusion caused.



      • simonrob78 says:

        Hello, is there a way to try out for one month and see what it is like before I commit to a full year? Thanks


      • Jeremy says:

        Hi Simon,

        Apologies for the delay! Jetpack Scan plans are available on Monthly or Yearly plans, with 30-day refunds offered for each. If you run into trouble with the monthly plan please submit a support request to and we’ll lend a hand.



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