Jetpack CRM and WooCommerce logos together

Jetpack CRM 5.0: More Power for Merchants, Free

Since its inception six years ago, Jetpack CRM has been a trusted tool for WordPress-based businesses, helping them better serve their audience and streamline their operations. And we’re always focused on making our products even more effective, shifting to meet the needs of the companies that we work with on a daily basis.

So to celebrate our sixth birthday, we’re rolling out Jetpack CRM 5.0, a version that’s even bigger and better!

Online merchants, this one’s all about you. WooCommerce connectivity is now included in Jetpack CRM for free rather than being a separate, premium extension. And integrating your online store with Jetpack CRM is easier than ever.

This means that you can harness the power of our WordPress-driven Customer Relationship Manager tool (CRM) to increase conversions, provide better customer support, and make your team more efficient at no cost to your business.  

How a CRM improves store performance 

The core focus of a CRM is spelled out in its name: “customer relationship.” And while CRM tools are an incredibly powerful way to improve relationships with shoppers, they’re also more than that. Let’s take a look at three ways that a CRM can grow your store.

New to CRMs? Learn about everything a CRM can offer your business.

1. It can increase your CLV 

CLV (customer lifetime value) measures the amount of money a business earns from the average customer over the entirety of their relationship. Increasing your CLV is important because it’s both an indication of profitability and retention. And since it’s 25 times more difficult to convert a new customer than retaining ones you already have, keeping existing buyers happy is an excellent goal.

How can a CRM help with this? Through engaging with your customers at key touchpoints and delighting them along their journey. Here are a few ways that a CRM can increase your CLV:

  • Email personalization. Personalized emails generate six times more revenue than those that aren’t personalized. And a CRM can help you send emails that are customized beyond just the name in the subject line. Delight shoppers with a special birthday message, recommend products based on previous purchases, and send seasonal ideas based on where they live.
  • Email segmentation. Segmented email campaigns consistently have higher open rates (14.31 percent higher, in fact!) than non-segmented campaigns. And a good CRM can help you collect valuable data to build hyper-focused customer segments and tailor email messages specifically to them. Send a coupon to people who haven’t purchased in a while. Announce a sale on dairy-free products just to subscribers who have an allergy. Send a discount offer just to shoppers who you know are motivated by price. Not only does segmentation keep customers happy, it also helps you save money on marketing by delivering more targeted results.
  • Customer data. Information is everything when it comes to increasing CLV. The more you know about your audience, the better you can deliver marketing messages, new products, and customer service initiatives that meet their needs. And a CRM tracks every single piece of data about a customer, including purchases, social media interactions, conversations, marketing engagements, and more.

Ultimately, a CRM helps you better understand your customers so you can better serve them. And happy customers come back time and time again.

2. It helps you provide top-notch support 

Offering excellent support to potential and existing customers is a critical part of running an online store. Answering questions, providing guidance, and troubleshooting problems keeps people happy and helps you minimize returns.

And this is where a CRM shines.

When a team member is helping a customer, they can view tons of information about that specific person directly in the CRM. At a glance, they’ll know what that person purchased and when, who they spoke to previously on your team, whether or not they left a review, and any notes that are on their account. This helps shoppers skip all the frustrating back and forth so they get their problem solved and questions answered faster than ever.

A CRM also helps streamline the customer support process. With many tools, like Jetpack CRM, team members can send emails and make calls directly from the dashboard. You can also assign tasks, like follow ups and support responses, to specific people, so your customers will never fall by the wayside.

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3. It improves digital collaboration

eCommerce stores are made up of a bunch of moving parts. It can be hard to keep track of it all, especially when you have multiple team members. 

But a CRM serves as a central hub for your business. Everyone can access the same customer data and performance stats, no matter where they’re located. And creating tasks and adding reminders means that you can skip the confusing email chains and know that everyone is on the same page, even when working across time zones.

And because a CRM collects customer data, including past communications, team members can stay up to date on each individual shopper. This helps you avoid situations with contradictory information, or letting customers slip through the cracks.

So it’s no surprise that using a CRM increases sales, improves performance, and enhances collaboration. 

Why Jetpack CRM is the go-to choice for WordPress

There are a variety of CRMs available, and choosing one can be tricky. Some are unnecessarily complicated. Some are expensive and provide functionality you don’t need. Others don’t integrate with the tools you use. 

But Jetpack CRM provides all the features you need, without any of the frustration. Let’s take a look at why Jetpack is the best CRM for WordPress:

  • It’s easy to use. When our customers were asked what they love the most about Jetpack CRM, the top answer was that it’s easy to use. And that’s our goal! We’ve created a tool that provides everything you need, while still being simple and user-friendly. 
  • It’s flexible. Jetpack CRM is completely modular, which means that you can create the perfect solution for you. Mix and match the features you need without having to juggle (or pay for!) the ones you don’t.
  • It was made specifically for WordPress. Many other CRMs work with a variety of platforms, which spreads out their effectiveness. Not Jetpack CRM! Our tool was created just for WordPress, by the team behind We know your needs better than anyone. And the best part? You can manage everything in one central location — your website, your eCommerce store, and your CRM. No more logging in and out!
  • It was designed with WooCommerce in mind. From the very beginning, Jetpack CRM was created for entrepreneurs, specifically ones using WooCommerce. It works seamlessly with the plugin, syncing sales and other customer data automatically. And if you appreciate being able to customize your WooCommerce store with extensions, you’ll love how easy it is to do the same with Jetpack CRM. 
  • It integrates with additional tools. Beyond WordPress and WooCommerce, Jetpack integrates with tools like Twilio, Mailchimp, Awesome Support, ConvertKit, and Optin Monster. Plus, you can trust that it works with major WordPress plugins like Gravity Forms and Contact Form 7.
  • It makes it easy to scale. Unlike other CRMs, you aren’t charged based on the number of contacts you have or your sales volume. With our modular, flat-rate pricing, you know exactly what to expect each month and can grow your business as large as you want without paying extra for your success.
  • It’s priced competitively. The majority of Jetpack CRM’s features are included in the free plan, making it accessible for any and all businesses. If you do want extra tools, you can either upgrade to a premium plan or purchase the extensions you need separately. And don’t worry — we won’t nickel and dime you for every little thing! Our plans and extensions are priced competitively to make them available to everyone.

Grow your store with Jetpack CRM

Jetpack CRM was designed with WordPress and WooCommerce site owners in mind. Our features equip merchants with the tools they need to grow their store, better serve their customers, and streamline their operations. And with our latest update, you can benefit from all of that at absolutely no cost!

Ready to grow your store? Get started with Jetpack CRM for free.

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Simon Keating profile
Simon Keating

Simon has worked in marketing and product development for over 10 years, previously at HubSpot, Workday, and now Automattic (Jetpack). He has a varied education, with a degree in chemical engineering and a masters in computer science to his name. His passion is helping people and their businesses grow.

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