Bits & Bytes

2024: Oops.

COLUMBIA: [8:36] – CLICK [6:59] to hear a Columbia student justify the death threats he/she/they made that the college administrators found “problematic.” One quick quotation: “A lot of people agree that Hitler needed to die in order for world order to move forward and in order to establish some inkling of world peace. So if we can agree as a society, as a collective, that people, that persons, that some persons need to die if they have an ideology that results in the death of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, if there are people like that who exist, shouldn’t they die?”

Reality check … (a) the Allies tried to arrest Hitler. He killed himself when it became clear that his war was lost and (b) Israel just wants to be left in peace. As Dennis Prager has said, “If the Palestinians laid down their weapons tonight, there would be peace in the Middle East tomorrow. If the Israelis laid down their weapons tonight, they would be annihilated tomorrow.”

FLORIDA: CLICK [3:15] to see what happened to a NYC snow bird who keyed someone’s truck, because the “Let’s Go, Brandon” bumper sticker “enraged” him.

NYC: After battling with the city in court for 5 years, three white female educators have won $700,000 settlements for having lost their jobs to less qualified people with more melanin, because former Chancellor Richard Carranza hated white people. after battling with the city in court for 5 years. One of the women has a master’s degree from Harvard; she got booted out in favor of a black guy with a GED.

TRANS: CLICK to see how much evidence the medical community has to justify mutilating minors.

UCLA: CLICK to see what somebody did. One hopes the idiots in the pro-Palestinian encampment pay attention.


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