Purse Boy

Ashley's TF Caption Blog

In the business

Posted by ✰Ashley✰ on February 21, 2011

I, like many of the other women in flat modelling don’t usually get into the industry by choice. Most don’t realize what a job really entails until the photo shoot is over and one of the photographers walks over to them and rolls them up into a tube for delivery. But once I finished my first job, I realized how easy the money what from flat modelling and knew I couldn’t leave. And most would think that it would be annoying to be a poster on a wall for three months (or more), but it can be relaxing, and once your time is up and you’re restored, you can just have a month of shopping sprees till your next job. Plus I’ve been hung up in all sorts of places around town like the subway, a bus stop, and on a taxi. Although now I’m not sure if this new job was such a good idea. I originally applied for it because I heard it was for a massive billboard in the middle of town and I knew it would look good on my resume. But I didn’t realize till after all the crushing and expanding and crushing, that I was in an iPod ad and that they had just turned me into a silhouette of myself. So now if any ad agencies see me up here, they’ll have no idea who I am because they can’t see my face… Oh well, only 5 more months of this and then I can go for that job as a lingerie model poster in a Victoria’s Secret window.

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