Saturday Photo Scavenger Hunt: Sweet


Theme: Sweet | Become a Photo Hunter | View Blogroll

There is this kind of sweet:




And this kind of sweet:


And then there is this kind….




…a 5 lb. bag of M&Ms. We used them to put into favors at our Ladies’ Luncheon. We also had some printed in words that matched our theme (“The Heart of the Matter”) and coordinated with our theme colors (pink and chocolate brown):





You can see more interpretations of this week’s theme here.

64 thoughts on “Saturday Photo Scavenger Hunt: Sweet

  1. Those are lovely pictures. The first two are such tender moments. I’m sure they will always bring happy memories.

    I’ve never seen that kind of printed M&Ms before. Very nice!

    Thanks for sharing. Happy weekend!

  2. The pictures of your boys are just fantastic and perfect for this week’s hunt theme. I especially like the second one. It is so neat to see that there is still love between brothers.

    I have never seen that many black M&M’s ๐Ÿ™‚ – Very cool.

    Thank you so much for sharing and double-thank-you for stopping by blog tonight.

    Blessings on your weekend…

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh that photo of the boys and baby is sweet

    I love hugs

    mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm
    I also LOVE chocolate

  4. A 5 lb bag of M&Ms? Wow! I didn’t know they could print messages on them.

    I love your range of different types of sweets!

  5. Wonderful pictures and great interpretation of the theme! Love the first one because babies are sooooo sweet!
    happy weekend!

  6. Oh, my goodness, Barbara! You are just overflowing with sweets this morning! Great pictures! Thanks for stopping by Pollywog Creek and have a delightful weekend.

  7. Ahhh…yep, those are sweet photos of boys! I did not have time to drag out old photos like that of mine. I like those candies too and what they say. Yum!

  8. Oh that first photo is just precious. And the chocolate photos are delicious. I didn’t know that you could print on them. I am tucking that away in my event planning folder. Very cool!

  9. Those are all sweet pictures, but I especially love the expressions on the boys’ faces as they look at the baby. I had to hurry past the “Emmie Ems”, though, because chocolate is my biggest weakness.

  10. All sweet pictures that first one is adorable. 5lb bags of M&M’s…we don’t get them that big here. Lucky you!

  11. Great photos! I like how you captured all different aspects of this week’s theme! And thanks for the comment you left on my blog!

  12. aweeee that first one is so precious. Thank God literally for cameras to capture tender moments like that one huh… The printed M&M’s for the Ladies’ Luncheon is really a neat thing to do.

    Thanks for sharing and stopping by.

  13. All kinds of sweet stuff going on in your world. I live for the day my boys will sit on the same piece of furniture .. much less like each other! The M&M’s are awesome.

  14. I’m feeling all warm and fuzzy inside looking at the photos, especially the first two. Really sweet!

    I love the prints on the M&Ms too. You’re really very creative, Barbara!

  15. I have seen these M&M’s before and you can get them in any color with any message… what will they think of next?

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