Photo Scavenger Hunt: Wild, and Blue Monday

Updated: Smiling Sally hosts a Blue Monday and I thought these pictures work for that as well. πŸ™‚


Theme: Wild| Become a Photo Hunter

This is one of the prettiest wild things ever. It just started growing in our back yard unexpectedly one day.

Morning Glory

Morning Glory

The Photo Scavenger Hunt was created by tnchick: more “wild” entires are there today.

33 thoughts on “Photo Scavenger Hunt: Wild, and Blue Monday

  1. Very beautiful! They’re timid compared to “ours” (which aren’t really ours…). Perhaps they are so rampant here because of the climate (we don’t get any frost, ever). I used to think of Morning Glories as pretty, but sadly now I just see them as a nuisance. 😦

  2. What a pretty touch of Nature! I tried growing morning glories once and didn’t have good luck.

    Happy Blue Monday.

    take care,

  3. Thank you for sharing this beautiful Morning Glory on Blue Monday. It is a lovely shot. Isn’t it something how a plant will wander into your life like this? I’m sure it’ll be even more beautiful next year!

    Have a lovely day.

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