Afternoon Everyone,

Welcome to the weekly #writephoto prompt!

Money, money, money, Must be funny, In the rich man’s world!

What sort of things could you do if you had a little money? I can’t wait to find out.

Money – Image by KL Caley

For visually challenged writers, the image shows lots of trays of British money from coppers to notes.

The regulars already know this bit, but for those that don’t:

  • Each Thursday at Noon GMT I will post the #writephoto prompt
  • Use the image and prompt as inspiration to create a post on your own blog… poetry, prose, humour… light or dark, whatever you choose, as long as it is fairly family-friendly.
  • Please have your entries linked back to the original prompt post by the following Tuesday at Noon GMT.
  • Link back to this post with a pingback (Hugh has an excellent tutorial here)  and/or leave a link in the comments below, to be included in the round-up.
  • Please click their links to visit the blogs of other contributors and take time to read and comment on their work.
  • Use the #writephoto hashtag in your title so your posts can be found.
  • There is no word limit and no style requirements, except that your post must take inspiration from the image and/or the prompt word given in the title of this post.
  • Feel free to use #writephoto logo or include the prompt photo in your post if you wish, or you may replace it with one of your own to illustrate your work.
  • By participating in the #writephoto challenge, please be aware that your post may be featured as a reblog on this blog and I will link to your post for the round-up each week.

If you need some more inspiration or fancy a bit of light reading, check out last weeks round-up.

I can’t wait to read your creations.

Take Care.

KL ❤

31 thoughts on “#WRITEPHOTO – MONEY

    1. Haha – thanks Jemima, probably a case of more hurry less speed. My computer is getting a bit past it these days and sporadically likes to crash on me too (I think it likes to keep me on my toes), so it could have been one of those moments. Thank you for letting me know though, much appreciated. KL ❤

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