Thousandaire news

16,789.20 euro is the final figure for the Thousandaire fundraiser which was held on March 4th. This is a fantastic achievement for the committee and thank you so much for all the hard work. Thank you also to everyone who supported the event.  It was such an enjoyable night. Well done Matty, Mary, Siobhan, Michelle, Mick, Dick, Donal and John who braved the hot seat and were nicely rewarded. The money raised will be well spent over the next few months on the school. Recently the Parents Association spent 2744.69 euro on a set of graded readers. At the moment senior infants are making great use of these in their Literacy Lift Off program. The 600 books in this set will be used over and over again in the years to come. A terrific resource to have in the school.

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