No future

The images shows an earthenware jug filled with red tulips. The jug is sitting on old stone steps.

Returning to the steps where first they met,
 he sits awhile, alone, bereft.
Crimson petals like blood red tears
 scatter on cold, hard stone.
His heart bleeds for her, his loss,
 a future that will never be.


Image credit: Yana Hurskaya @ Unsplash
The image shows an earthenware jug filled with red tulips. The jug is sitting on old stone steps.

Written in response to Sadje‘s What Do You See #127 photo prompt

84 thoughts on “No future

  1. Aww I knew this was going to be a sad one by the photo and the title. 😢But as always, beautifully written! “Bereft” was a spelling word just yesterday for a student that I tutor at our Christian school. Such a powerful word!

    Liked by 1 person

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