Life at Eclipse

Musings on the Eclipse Foundation, the community and the ecosystem

IoT and Edge Developers: Let Your Voices Be Heard

Today, the Eclipse IoT and Edge Native Working Groups have launched the 2021 IoT and Edge Developer Survey. This is the seventh year for our annual survey, which has become one of the most widely referenced technical surveys within the IoT & Edge computing industry.

This year’s survey expands on previous editions to be more inclusive of trends in edge computing technologies. Our goal is to present a better understanding of the challenges developers face within both sectors, and to provide insights into the technical issues faced by their respective developer communities around the world. 

We welcome your participation. Your input will help IoT and edge ecosystem stakeholders with the data to align their strategies with latest trends and apply investments where needed most. Start the survey now.

You Can Influence Industry Direction

Developers, service providers, technology manufacturers, and  adopters within the IoT & edge ecosystem can all influence industry direction through survey participation. Last year’s survey received more than 1,600 responses, with the results being shared by more than 20 media outlets.

The 2020 IoT Developer Survey results revealed that IoT and edge application development is increasing at a rapid pace, fueled by growth in investments into predominantly industrial markets. It also indicated  that smart agriculture, industrial automation, and automotive are key target industries for application development.

Our expectation for the 2021 survey is that it will offer even more visibility around IoT & edge development trends, and what those trends mean to stakeholders. The survey results will also be used to help the Eclipse IoT and Edge Native Working Groups with their open source roadmaps as they work to address the evolving needs for IoT and edge development tools, architectures, deployment technologies, security, connectivity, and other requirements along the edge-to-cloud continuum.

The Developer Survey Complements the Commercial Adoption Survey

The results of the IoT and Edge Developer Survey will help complete the picture painted by our recent 2021 IoT and Edge Commercial Adoption Survey. That survey found that IoT and edge computing technologies are being adopted at an accelerated rate by a growing number of organizations. The results also revealed that 74 percent of organizations factor open source into their deployment plans, a 14 percent increase over the 2019 IoT Commercial Adoption Survey results.

With a deeper understanding of the unique challenges faced by IoT and edge developers and the latest commercial adoption trends, the entire ecosystem is better informed and better able to meet the growing demand for IoT and edge solutions.

Complete the IoT and Edge Developer Survey by October 5

The 2021 IoT and Edge Developer Survey is open through October 5. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey now, while it’s top of mind.

As usual, the survey report will be published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), which means that the entire IoT and edge ecosystem can benefit from the insights it provides. Stay tuned for additional blog posts and promotional activities once the report is available.

Written by Mike Milinkovich

August 26, 2021 at 8:05 am

Posted in Foundation, Open Source