java, programming

Top 5 Online Courses to Learn Ethical Hacking in 2022 – Best of Lot [New!!]

Hello guys, if you want to learn Ethical Hacking in 2022 and are looking for the best resources like online courses, you have come to the right place. Earlier, I shared the best Cyber Security courses, and in this article, I have shared the best Ethical Hacking courses for beginners and experienced IT professionals. If you don't know, Ethical hacking is the process of testing your system's infrastructure or network for vulnerabilities and locating its weaknesses to close those vulnerabilities and make your systems more secure. These are very in-demand skills, and there is a lot of job for Ethical hackers as companies, both big and small are grappling with security threats and always looking to find and close any vulnerabilities they might have. 

from Javarevisited

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