W.H. Pugmire tribute issue; “A Night in the Lonesome October” issue!

W.H. Pugmire
W.H. Pugmire

As previously mentioned, there will be no September issue, NecronomiCON really put me behind.  HOWEVER, I have some cool things to announce about the October and November issues:

The October issue will once again be a tribute to Roger Zelazny’s  A Night in the Lonesome October!  If you haven’t read last October’s issue, you’re missing out.  Read it for free here.  (And yes, I’m still accepting submissions for this issue, from ANYONE.  Email submissions to lovecraftezine@gmail.com — but be sure to read last year’s issue to get an idea of what I’m looking for.  Submissions will close 5 days from now.)

Mr. Zelazny’s son, the author Trent Zelazny, will introduce the issue, and I will be announcing the Table of Contents very soon.

The November issue will be a tribute W.H. Pugmire!  I have some great stories for you honoring this beloved Lovecraftian fanboy author, and I’m also happy to report that S.T. Joshi will be writing the introduction to the issue.  This issue will feature stories and poems by Jeffrey Thomas, Richard Gavin, Ann K. Schwader, Joseph S. Pulver Sr., Jayaprakash Sathyamurthy, and Jessica Salmonson.

For those of you waiting on the Kindle, Nook, and Podcast editions of issue #26, thank you for bearing with me.  They will be available this week.

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  1. Ya know, I’ve had a worn, paperback copy of The Night in Lonesome October for a couple years now, but I haven’t read it yet. I think I’ll do the one chapter a night and make a nice October event out of it.

  2. Reblogged this on Bibliomancy and commented:
    A Night in the Lonesome October is a fantastic book. Every year, I read one chapter per night during the month of October. The finale ends on Halloween. A tribute magazine issue is a wonderful idea. I recommend submitting, and at the very least, reading the book.
    Synopsis from Amazon.com:
    “Combine the bizarre and brilliant imagination of award-winning author Roger Zelazny with the macabre artistic genius of Gahan Wilson – stir in a pinch of dried bat wing, several drops of human blood, and a substantial dose of vintage Hollywood horror – and the result is a strong and savory brew that satisfy the soul, chill the blood and tickle the funnybone…in short, A Night in the Lonesome October. During a dank and damp autumn in the late 19th century, good dog Snuff loyally accompanies a mysterious knife-wielding gentleman named Jack on his midnight rounds through the murky streets of London – collecting the grisly ingredients needed for unearthly rite that will take place not long after the death of the moon. But Snuff and his master are not alone. All manner of participants, both human and undead, are gathering from Soho to Whitehall with their ancient tools and their animal familiars, in preparation of the dread night when black magic will summon the Elder Gods back to the world. Some have come to open the gates…an some to close them. It is brave, devoted Snuff who must calculate the patterns of the Game and keep track of the Players – the witch, the mad monk, the vengeful vicar, the Count who sleeps by day, the Good Doctor and the hulking Experiment Man he fashioned from body parts…and a wild-card American shapeshifter named Larry Talbot – all the while keeping ogres at bay, and staying a dog-leap ahead of the Great Detective, who knows quite a bit more than he lets on. Boldly original and wildly entertaining, A Night in the Lonesome October is a darkly sparkling gem – an amalgam of horror, humor, mystery and fantasy that is exactly what one would expect from the inspired union of two extraordinary talents.”

      • I’m actually reading it to my 10 year old daughter, (I never knew that being a space cadet was genetic, but the kid books she chooses always seem to have a weirdness about them) I’m hoping to finishing on Halloween night. Possibly my favorite book by my favorite author (although “Lord of Light” probably wins from being a more mature and adult story.) and an ode of love to old “Hammer” monster movies.

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