Thoughts Before Bed and an Extended Retreat Day

Family obligations, visiting friends, and general fatigue have kept me busy this weekend.  I plan to do my retreat day tomorrow and Tuesday evening.  As such, I will not be online except for short periods to check email and grove business.  I look forward to these times even though my husband shakes his head at my unwillingness to watch comedies and anime with him on such days.  I get so much done sans the usual distractions!  While I will devote a lot of time to meditation, divination, study, and ritual, I will also be able to do more art!  Gods know I have a lot to do…

Today I nearly finished a new tree plushie.  I’ll put the finishing touches on tomorrow.  I also have dolls to sew and an artisan trading card to get ready before Beltaine!  Oh, and my tabard!  So much to do!  So much!

Until next time, dear readers, I’m off to dream land!

Published by M. A. Phillips

An author and Druid living in Northern NY.