State machine properties

One of the more interesting corners of the Erlang ecosystem is property based testing. Building on Haskell’s QuickCheck, it allows generation of test cases, similar to “fuzzing”.

The integration with gen_fsm/statem makes stateful testing remarkably easy, by describing the possible transitions for our state machine:




prop_test() ->
    ?FORALL(Cmds, proper_fsm:commands(?MODULE),
            {History,State,Result} = proper_fsm:run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
                io:format("History: ~p\nState: ~p\nResult: ~p\n", [History,State,Result]),
                aggregate(zip(proper_fsm:state_names(History), command_names(Cmds)), Result =:= ok)

initial_state() -> open.

initial_state_data() -> #{}.

open(_Data) -> [{open, {call, bank_statem, deposit, [pos_integer()]}}].

weight(_FromState, _ToState, _Call) -> 1.

precondition(_From, _To, #{}, {call, _Mod, _Fun, _Args}) -> true.

postcondition(_From, _To, _Data, {call, _Mod, _Fun, _Args}, _Res) -> true.

next_state_data(_From, _To, Data, _Res, {call, _Mod, _Fun, _Args}) ->
    NewData = Data,

To begin with, we’re just checking that a deposit can be made to an open account. This property succeeds (after the default 100 cases):

===> Testing prop_bank_statem:prop_test()
OK: Passed 100 test(s).

100% {open,{bank_statem,deposit,1}}
1/1 properties passed

But, if we switch to using a less strict generator:

open(_Data) -> [{open, {call, bank_statem, deposit, [integer()]}}].

We very quickly hit a failure:

===> Testing prop_bank_statem:prop_test()

=ERROR REPORT==== 29-Apr-2018::14:05:12 ===
** State machine bank_statem terminating
** Last event = {{call,{,#Ref}},
** When server state  = {open,#{balance => 0}}
** Reason for termination = error:function_clause
** Callback mode = state_functions
** Stacktrace =
**  [{bank_statem,handle_deposit,
                   #{balance => 0},

caused by an attempt to make a deposit of 0.

To make things more interesting, we can amend our deposit transition to return the updated balance, and track that in the model:

initial_state_data() -> #{balance=>0}.


postcondition(_From, _To, #{balance:=PrevBalance}, {call, bank_statem, deposit, [Amount]}, {deposit_made, UpdatedBalance}) ->
    UpdatedBalance =:= (PrevBalance + Amount);


next_state_data(_From, _To, #{balance:=Balance}=Data, _Res, {call, bank_statem, deposit, [Amount]}) ->
    NewBalance = Balance + Amount,

For this toy example, the model is almost exactly the same as the implementation. And, in fact, the hardest thing with this style of property testing is keeping the model simple, when testing a more complex example.

Next time, we will add the rest of the transitions to our model.

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