Feline Freedom League May 2024 Mission Report

From: Agent Winnie
To: Mr. Whiskers
Date: 5 May 2024
Subject: Mission Report

Agent Probie came to the archives to have a talk with me. It appears that Agent Sadie is going to be our office manager. She will be the one who will look after our store of reporting materials. I had my doubts, given her clumsiness.

I did not voice those doubts. I’m glad I did. She is doing a good job. She drops the odd box, but that’s only because she is so eager to do a good job. Her eagerness is part of her clumsiness, in my opinion. I did not voice that opinion either as I don’t think it would do any good. I don’t want to quash Agent Sadie’s enthusiasm, but I will do what I can to assist her.

Instead, I’ve offered to teach her my plan for the reorganization of the archives. I am pleased to say we are starting to become cordial acquaintances. We may even become friends. As office manager, she should have access to the archives. Infact, I believe all agents should have access to the archives. They are a treasure trove of knowledge.
I have managed to reorganize one of the six stacks of reports from past Agents. They served in a far distant location, when our clowder had moved. I do not know what they mean when they refer to the white stuff during the cold time. I may never know. Agent Probie remembers seeing it, but mentioned it was very cold. He shuddered as he said it. It must be something awful.

From: Agent Zoe
To: Mr. Whiskers
Date: 5 May 2024
Subject: Mission Report

I confess the kittens are more work than I had anticipated. I am certain that I will be able to keep them umder control. I have asked our new office manager, Agent Sadie, to help out. Between us, we should be able to deal with these kittens. We will turn these rambunctious youngsters into studious agents in training.

When Agent Probie told me I couldn’t use Agent Sadie, it shocked me. I understand she has issues, but her job is office manager. That’s not all that strenuous a job. Then Agent Winnie started complaining that I was monopolizing Agent Sadie. It seems he thought she was here for his use in the archives.

Agent Probie told us both that Agent Sadie had complained to him. He pointed out her inability to control her limbs in a good feline manner. He told us she felt stressed by our demands. Then he added she did not feel capable of doing her assigned duties as office manager. Agent Probie reminded us of her difficulty in moving, which makes her clumsy.

This made me stop and think. I hadn’t considered her disabilities when I asked her aid with the kittens. I will admit that I may have bitten off more than I can chew. In taking on the training of the kittens in the addition to my regular duties, I’m spread rather thin. I told Agent Probie this and he agreed to help. He has a new schedule in which he has included training the kittens.

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I am not one who is comfortable talking about myself but here goes. I enjoy writing, family history, and reading. I decided to do this blog because I wanted to try something new. I decided to make it a weekly blog because I wasn't sure that I could keep up with a daily one, and monthly seemed like I was writing a magazine. I think I did ok with my choices. You'll notice that there are not a lot of graphics on my site. That's because there are graphics plastered everywhere on the Internet and those sites sometimes take forever to load. This blog is a place where you can kick back, relax and be ready to be amused. At least I hope I willbamuse you. This blog is on a variety of subjects from my ficitional cat agency, the FFL, which is monthly, to instructional blogs to editorials, which are my opinions only. I admit that I don't know everything and could be wrong -- I frequently am. Now, stop reading about me and read what I have to say!

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