Sure Victory in Life

As we read in Titus 2, Paul explains that each of the various groups within society have different needs and priorities. Each generation or group can help each other by sharing ideas, giving suggestions, and relating experiences that can assist as they go through life.

If our life lines up with the instruction that Paul gives in this passage, those who oppose us will have nothing to use against us so be determined and passionate in what you believe. We may go through a lifetime with great ideas that never get implemented. We may work on projects that never seem to catch on but the most important project to work on is sharing the sure victory Christ gave on the cross.

Like a parent trains a child, our heavenly father trains us. We may fail at times but His grace picks us back up to try again so our character is transformed day by day. Grace keeps on giving as we grow and our faith encourages others.

This day with You Lord, we are thankful for the life transforming relationship with You as we daily take inventory of our strong points and weak points. You turn them into more than we could imagine through prayer. Our best days are ahead because we are the beneficiaries of the past. Your plan for our life always brings victory because Your power is at work today in making the needed adjustments in our character. Amen.

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