Ubuntu Demon\’s blog

September 11, 2008

We got assigned an apartment!

Filed under: english — ubuntudemon @ 11:12 am

I recently blogged about my new job as Open Source Consultant. Now there’s more great news for me and my girlfriend! We got assigned a nice apartment in Leidsche Rijn, Utrecht which means that no one else can get this apartment (for now). But we still have to sign a contract to make it official (and we do need to pay a fine if we don’t sign). If there’s no strange stuff in the contract we don’t agree with then we’ll probably sign the contract. We are going to live together somewhere halfway between our current homes (Schagen and Maastricht). This means a step forward in our relationship.

There’s still some important stuff left which needs to be taken care of :

  • We need to find a nice job for my girlfriend around Nieuwegein/Utrecht
  • We need to find a temporary living solution. Our new apartment will be finished somewhere between the end of the last quarter of 2008 and the beginning of the first quarter of 2009 (but no guarantees) while my job starts in November 2008.

1 Comment »

  1. […] ubuntudemon @ 6:12 pm Ik schreef al eerder over mijn nieuwe baan en over het feit dat we een appartement toegewezen hebben gekregen. Nu zoeken we nog een baan in omgeving Utrecht voor mijn […]

    Pingback by Mijn vriendin zoekt een baan « Ubuntu Demon’s blog — September 16, 2008 @ 8:24 pm

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