Blog #2335: Toy Review: Transformers: Legacy Deluxe Class Junkion Scraphook

Transformers: Legacy Deluxe Class Junkion Scraphook


Vehicle Mode: Scraphook looks great in vehicle mode. I love the colors, and he has plenty of paint apps. Lots of great molded detail. Plus, I can almost guarantee we will get an Energon Rodimus Prime from this mold, which would be very cool.

Robot Mode: He has two different robot mode configurations. Not sure if that is supposed to represent multiple Junkions or not. He looks great, same comments as his vehicle mode, molding, paint apps, etc. He looks fantastic.

Weaponizer Mode: Technically, they are not calling him a Weaponizer. Doing what a Weaponizer does is for him his Evo-Fusion function. Evo-Fusion is Hasbro speak for Stupid Gimmick Name. He would be fine, except that there is a big chunk of him left over, so that’s stupid.

Overall: It’s already been announced that Scraphook is being remolded/repainted into RID Towline. As I said, I also expect Energon Rodimus Prime. It’s always worth picking up new Junkions, so I recommend him, though if you are not a completist, and prefer Towline or Rodimus Prime, you may want to wait.

Thanks for reading!

About lmb3

I’m 36 years old, and I work in network tech support for a public school system. I am a huge fan of Star Trek, Transformers, Harry Potter, and Marvel Comics as well as numerous other fandoms. I’m a big sports fan, especially the Boston Red Sox and the New England Patriots. I collect toys (mostly Transformers but other stuff too), comic books, and Red Sox baseball cards. I watch an obscene amount of television and love going to the movies. I am hopelessly addicted to Wizard Rock and I write Harry Potter Fanfiction, though these days I am working on a couple of different original YA novels.
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