Blog #2089: Toy Reviews: Transformers: Cyberverse Tiny Turbo Changers Series 4 (Alpha Strike, Stealth Force Bumblebee, Gnaw, Ironhide, Kup, Energon Optimus Prime, Dark Energon Shockwave, Sky-Byte, Slipstream, Thunderhowl, Wheeljack, Wildwheel)

Transformers: Cyberverse Tiny Turbo Changers Series 4 (Alpha Strike, Stealth Force Bumblebee, Gnaw, Ironhide, Kup, Energon Optimus Prime, Dark Energon Shockwave, Sky-Byte, Slipstream, Thunderhowl, Wheeljack, Wildwheel)

Alpha Strike

Alphas Strike is cast in orange plastic. For a character whose primary color is purple that is stupid to say the least. They painted her treads, so I guess that’s something. Hasbro clearly isn’t even trying.

Stealth Force Bumblebee

Previous Mold Use: Cyberverse Tiny Turbo Changer Bumblebee

They reversed Bumblebee’s colors. How original.


Previous Mold Use: Cyberverse Tiny Turbo Changer Sharkticons

Gnaw now has green eyes in both modes. They have removed his purple paint as well as the tribal markings.


Previous Mold Use: Cyberverse Tiny Turbo Changers Ratchet

Ironhide is very…red.


Kup is actually a pretty decent toy. He could have used a few more paint apps in robot mode, but the design is pretty great.

Energon Optimus Prime

Previous Mold Use: Cyberverse Tiny Turbo Changers Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime seems to be feeling a little…blue.

Dark Energon Shockwave

Previous Mold Use: Cyberverse Tiny Turbo Changers Shockwave

Shockwave is now in translucent purple. I will say this, he does look better with the silver paint on his gun.


Sky-Bite is pretty cool. I like the design. A few more paint apps in robot mode would make a lot of difference.


Previous Mold Use: Cyberverse Tiny Turbo Changers Starscream, Cyberverse Tiny Turbo Changers Acid Storm

Slipstream would look better if her face were painted.


I have Thunderhowl and I took pictures of Thunderhowl. I cannot at this moment find either Thunderhowl or the pictures of Thunderhowl, so I’ve used Hasbro’s stock photos. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. As with many Tiny Turbo Changers, the design is very cool, but he needs paint apps.


Previous Mold Use: Cyberverse Tiny Turbo Changers Hot Rod, Cyberverse Tiny Turbo Sideswipe, Cyberverse Tiny Turbo Stealth Force Hot Rod

As with Thunderhowl, I’ve used Hasbro stock photos of Wheeljack. The actual toy is missing the green stripe across his feet/the top edge of his hood. This is really stupid. Wheeljack looks nothing like Hot Rod, but then neither did Sideswipe, and they did that too.


Wildwheel looks pretty cool in both modes. More paint apps were needed, but he’s definitely one of the better figures.

Overall: If they would only do a better job painting these, they would be great toys. As is, they are mostly crap with a few gems. Thunderhowl, Wildwheel, Kup, and Sky-Bite are all worth picking up. I think Alpha Strike would have been worth getting in purple, but she looks like crap. The rest are for completists only.

Thanks for reading!

About lmb3

I’m 36 years old, and I work in network tech support for a public school system. I am a huge fan of Star Trek, Transformers, Harry Potter, and Marvel Comics as well as numerous other fandoms. I’m a big sports fan, especially the Boston Red Sox and the New England Patriots. I collect toys (mostly Transformers but other stuff too), comic books, and Red Sox baseball cards. I watch an obscene amount of television and love going to the movies. I am hopelessly addicted to Wizard Rock and I write Harry Potter Fanfiction, though these days I am working on a couple of different original YA novels.
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