Looking For The Lady

The man noticed the few times her majesty had spoken with him she had shared quite a bit of her life and her feelings.

He thought it noteworthy and suspected she was surprised by how much she had said. He suspected she was torn because of the particular moment.

He suspected she didn’t want to lean on him at all but wanted to run into his arms and tell him everything. She trusted him so deeply it frightened her or so he suspected.

Her majesty had given him everything in the past and circumstances had gotten in the way so they had split mostly…but not entirely.

So he felt pretty good about his assessment but understood he might be wrong too. Both could be possible and even if he was correct she wasn’t ready to admit any of it.

But he had a feeling one day she would reach out and they would have one of those naked conversations they used to have.

The kind that were as intimate as lovemaking even if they were completely dressed and sitting 10 feet apart.

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